Sportsbike Shop

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by hypermotbloke, May 25, 2021.

  1. A lot of online sellers do this, take your money without holding stock. Really annoying if you want/need the item quickly, least I have an accessories shop close by should I get in a real bind.
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  2. you can't. If you work in finance & ins sector, or remotely connected to private sector (who implemented a couple of years ago) its either increase rates or accept inside in the main. Companies wont pay more or if they do they wont do the innovative, 'lets give it a go' stuff that int sustain a 20-30% increase in day rate. So less innovation.
  3. Bloody EU.
    : unamused:

    Nobody had foreseen any problems....o_Oo_O
    • Funny Funny x 3
  4. Or those that did thought it a price worth paying......:thinkingface:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. And on the flip side, my recent order with Oberon had extra costs over and above the local tax/vat. All due to the new trade agreement. Has to be something I really want from the UK now due to the extra costs. This means lost business for UK companies. It does not seem like the best of agreements for generating orders or even just maintaining their previous levels as UK exporters.
  6. They would "say" that. But only a very few possibly had any idea what so ever of the real implications.
    Like I said, Sportsbikeshop and others are now off the menu due to extra costs incurred, along with extra hassle with the purchase process when import duty bill arrives after products already paid for.
    Less than ideal, less than smooth.
  7. Yes, what I should have said is

    That it was a price worth being paid by folk, just as long as those who really wanted it didn’t pay that price. ;)
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  8. A free trade agreement can and never will be as good as a single market.
    I still reckon that 10 years down the line a lot of British companies will want to rejoin the single EU market in some form.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I would think the more savvy would relocate if they could if they haven’t already done so.
  10. It will not take that long. Dont forget that exit ( I am sick of the B word) did not have to mean so many barriers and many businesses were pleading with the UK gov to keep barrier free trade. They were ignored.

    Back to SB shop though, for those in the UK dealing with UK suppliers. It will take a while for some sort of normality after covid/suez. Then a while after that to see if exit is going to have many implications.
    #50 J biker, May 26, 2021
    Last edited: May 26, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Well Desmoworld in Germany is another supplier who have now stopped shipping to the UK (by their own admission due to Brexit), whcih is a shame as their products are on par with Rizoma in terms of quality and finish (if not better). THye apparently plan to stock through DMC stores in the UK at some point in the future.
  12. Well you say it cant't be got around and @Advikaz says it can. I don't know either but its logical that there is either a misunderstanding or one of you is mistaken. You gentlemen can let me know in due course!
    #52 Jez900ie, May 26, 2021
    Last edited: May 26, 2021
  13. Nothing will get better whilst jobsworth, jumped up, self important, bureaucrats argue over the colour of the ink on the documentation. It takes two to want to make an agreement work, however shit that agreement is and currently, it would seem that there aren’t two bureaucrats willing to wind their necks back in. Andy
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. I still managed to place an order with them (Desmoworld) however. Having the parts shipped to my hotel in Finland before I head back to the UK next week. Crazy we have to resort to this really.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Plus I assume you should really declare them as goods you are bringing into the country above your personal allowance?
  16. Despite a slow response in communication my gloves arrived today, after ordering Monday.
    So they’re definitely still providing they’re usual excellent service for stocked items.
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    • Useful Useful x 1
  17. So far this year I have had from them a Tsubaki chain (is that Japanese) a German brand leather jacket and Italian brand gloves - I think the Italian brand helmet was this year as well.
  18. Ha , absolutely nothing Jez other than fat fingers while paging on my I-pad......oooops, crack on mate
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  19. Having read all of the comments, yes businesses are struggling.
    The easiest way to loose customers is to piss them off, just let us know if it is in stock and if not when it will be.
    We can all then make an informed decision on whether to place an order or not.
    But to take your order / money, and say screw you, it will arrive when we are able to send it.
    without so much as a courtesy message to explain the delay, sorry I will just take my business elsewhere.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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