Boxhill Surrey 9.30 a.m. tomorrow (Sunday)

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Chris, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. I might be able to get out tomorrow if I can it will be mid morning as I'm at work tonight
  2. Still stuck in Spain chaps but sounds like you have the best weather as it is chucking down here. It looks like fine weather tomorrow for our ride back though so see you next time
  3. Not this time guys, just do not feel it today.

    Maybe Thursday a bimble about
  4. There is the first "Brighton Bike Night" on Madeira Drive on Thursday, 7-9 pm.
    They are trying to make it similar to Poole bike night.
    Will get more details today........
  5. Keep me updated so does it start 1900 and goes for 2h?
  6. I saw a few parked up down there this morning all together, guessing it was some of you guys?
    i was gonna park mine next to you all, but wanted to ride too much to faff about.
  7. There was copper with a hand held radar speed thingy doing his thing southbound on the A24, to compliment the northbound one somebody mentioned earlier. Of course I was not breaking the law at that point!

    Seems like they were having a bit of a blitz.
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  8. Where's his gherkin ?
  9. oh dear, not very photogenic am I - was a lovely ice cream though (thanks Rob) and no Char, they had no pickles. First time I have ever done Boxhill/Newlands/Boxhill. We wont forget that 1921 A.J.S. in a hurry will we Stuart?
  10. the weirdest thing was leaving Boxhill and it was bone dry, I went to Brooklands and it was dry, but the roads inbetween were soaked, nice to meet up this morning, I would have stayed longer but the co-pilot wanted to get to Brooklands, and then J&S as I promised her a new Textile Jacket, all I got was a Cheeseburger
  11. just Surrey Police being cocks!!!!!! oooops am I allowed to put Cock on the website :eek:. since the road dropped to 50 they are there very often, motorists are an easy target, should have sent those camera demonstrators down there
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  12. Did you have a nice ride for the ice cream Chris? Did Rob get one??:tongue:
  13. nah, just me - possibly first time i've had a 'twin towers' and two flakes. We really like to live it up you know. It was another marathon walkabout Pete - must have been all of 7 hours. Meanwhile another group did Devil's Punchbowl and back in what seemed like 30 mins.. After hearing how many mobile cameras were around they could consider themselves lucky. Stuart's NC700 got massive attention wherever it went so could be destined for being a good little earner for Honda.
    #35 Chris, Jun 24, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2013
  14. They were blitzing the A27 too - hidden in the central reservation in some trees..... plain clothes police cars out yesterday too across towards east half of West Sussex. :mad:
  15. Given the number of speed cameras about yesterday & my need for that touquey power I was quite glad to be on the NC Chris. Fit a bigger flywheel on the Monster for a similar ride maybe? :)
    The NoToMob guys got a bit fed up saying they couldn't do anything about the Police Speed traps though didn't they? Lol. But at least they are trying to do something about the Council's grabbing motorists money.
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