Opinions On This 748s Please Wise Learned Ones

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Slingy123, Jul 1, 2021.

  1. Greetings all,

    your favourite type of member here, typical noob asking the same old questions for the 1000’th time no doubt, BUT I am hoping to pick up a bike on Saturday and need to be armed with some info pretty please !I will grace you with the obligatory intro hopefully on the weekend once the new steed has been added to the stable.

    The 748/916 has always been that poster bike for me, and recently a 2002 748e with genuine 5000 miles cropped up on my Facebook for £4400 ! Suddenly the realisation that these were waaaaaay more affordable than I remembered and so the browsing began. I have found a bike less than a mile from me which is a 2002 748s with 21k. Bike looks decent in the very limited pics sort from some daft stickers added to belly pan and some random emblem on the side panel. MOT history checks out but does run out next month. It’s had recent belt service, tyres and chain & sprockets.

    Apart from the usual used bike checks, what info can you arm me with so I can view the bike fully armed ? Bike is currently priced at smidge under 5k which I think is decent.

    a few question though regarding body work, the placement of the side panel decals seem to vary massively so I’m not sure on how to tell if a panel is original or painted. Are the decals and text stickers clear coated over, or painted from factory.

    Rockers, are they likely to be an issue on a 2002 with 21k ? Any realistic way of knowing without pulling some poor blokes bike to pieces!? I take it all the 748/916 have dry clutches but the standard cover obscures a large portion of the noise?
    And I think final one for now, it’s had loud exhaust mention on a few MOT’s but they look like polished standard ones from the limited blurry pics I have !

    Anyways with a bit of luck the 748s with be joining my 30 year old GSXR and 11 year old B-King.
    D9D94546-6FAE-462B-991E-59C054D29D5D.jpeg EDB59C19-4C73-45A1-B657-6C8A4F68B04B.jpeg

    Haha nearly forgot to post the
    60F371BF-3D44-4F4D-BD4B-51D3961977B6.jpeg pic of potential new bike !!! D9D94546-6FAE-462B-991E-59C054D29D5D.jpeg EDB59C19-4C73-45A1-B657-6C8A4F68B04B.jpeg 4D8AF6EB-B87A-4EB9-A767-7A719D04F0A4.jpeg
  2. Ok so I have no idea how I got all the pics ballsed up but you get the point haha.

    please feel free to pick apart potential purchase, stickers duly noted already and will be gone pronto !
    • Love You Love You x 1
  3. Welcome
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  4. Hello and welcome.
    I'm sure there will be more learned ones than me coming along but here's what I think..
    It looks nice:)
    The 'DUCATI 748s' decals should be laquered over.
    I think the later models got the slab sided fairings so they are likely original (apart from the extra stickers)
    I would always be a bit wary of non-standard stickers, they are sometimes there to cover something up?
    • Like Like x 2
  5. History (invoices) should (must?) tell you about rockers. They all go.
    Belts changed. When? 2 years is the life if you ignore mileage (1 year on the R).
    Desmo service at 15000. Check invoice.
    Starting. Should spin over fairly quick. If not, sprag clutch can be a problem. But normally just an earth strap upgrade sorts it.
    Rear hub. Check no wear from misaligned chain. Check owner knows torque for front and rear axle pinch bolts.
    Put aside £1k contingency and you are set.
    Looks nice BTW.
    Good luck and enjoy.
  6. Oh. And fairings off (takes minutes, really simple). Date marks on fairings will confirm originality. And you can check for leaks, paint flaking etc at the same time.
    If you really want to get anal. Check the upper fork tubes for corrosion. Especially where brake lines or cables rub. Difficult/impossible to repair if very bad.
    #6 Expat Jack, Jul 1, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2021
    • Like Like x 3
  7. The end cans do not look oem, my guess is Arrow or Leo Vince and yes, they will be loud without baffles. Looks clean but I’d double Expat Jack’s contingency suggestion to £2000, to be on the safe side. 21,000 miles isn’t a lot although I’d like to see the refresh servicing receipt if it had been laid up for a number of years. Andy
    • Like Like x 2
  8. Thanks Gents,

    That gives me a few things to check. Spray clutch, is that difficult/expensive repair ? I’m very hands on so not much puts me off, equally don’t want to bag a lemon that requires a ton of labour straight away.

    owner seems sound guy so far and doesn’t sound like a young gonad, more akin to an elder gent… that should hopefully stand for something. Advert states ‘part service history’ so hoping it shows desmo service and rockers checked. Mileage wise it’s been used but not done many miles at all each year. He has owned it 9 years now

  9. If you are hands on it is ok.
    You asked for what to look for and that’s what I gave you. The big one is the desmo service around 15000. If that was done then rockers should ok.
    I think Andy’s contingency is very cautious. They are great bikes. If you don’t buy it then I would potential be interested. They are fab machines.
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Perfect, I appreciate all the guides and assistance I’m being offered. Being hands on is one thing, being forewarned is even better.

    many thanks for your time :cool:
    • Like Like x 2
  11. Looks nice.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Welcome to the forum.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Next question…. I just realised I massively prefer the earlier fairings with the large vents, are the side panels interchangeable between years ?

  14. Probably. But don’t do that.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. In my limited defence, I’ve not seen a later one in the flesh so opinion could well change when I see one. Tomorrow should tell ! o_O
    • Like Like x 1
  16. How exciting
    The boys are great here for advice
    Your wise to go with knowledge
    The bike will cost you lots of money anyway regardless :D it’s a Ducati
    Oh and you forgot my bin

    welcome into our mad house
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Well seen as I just bin out for a ride…:bucktooth::joy::joy:

    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Love You Love You x 1
  19. ooooo perfect
    Your in :grinning:
  20. I too have seen that 748 and thought it looks great but can't do anything for a couple weeks so will have to pass at the moment, the Kappa stickers would have to go though.

    (if anyone has a yellow 748s available in a month... :D)
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