I Have Been A Complete And Utter Muppet...

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by moto748, Jun 27, 2021.

  1. and locked my bike up (outside my house) with one of those 'dog-bone' type disc locks, to which I have managed to lose the key. And I don't have a spare. I only locked it up on Friday night walked back to my door (just a few paces), and didn't go out of the house again. Ten in the morning I couldn't find the set of keys. Well, surely, they must be in the house somewhere, or in a pocket? Trust me, I've searched! For hours yesterday, and again today. Rugs have been lifted, sofas had cushions removed and turned upside-down, etc etc. And no sign. I left the house on Saturday morning only on foot; I walked to the corner shop. I have to say that I think the chance of the keys 'turning up' now is pretty remote.

    Of course if the keys were lost outside the house, then a thief has a great opportunity to ride it away! But really I'm not too concerned about that. It's a question of how to progress this. My first thought was, I'll find 'a guy' with an angle grinder, which can surely remove it. But then i thought, not so straightforward; the dog-bone sits there loosely through a hole in the disc. it would need to held firmly in position. What you could easily achieve if it were held in a vice or similar won't work with it unconstrained. Plus, and more to the point, would you want an angle grinder anywhere near your expensive discs and wheel? As I recall, those discs are 300 quid each!

    I assume these locks will be made of hardened steel, and a hacksaw won't touch them. The more I thought about it, the more I reckoned that the wheel will need to come out. Jeez, it's donkey's years since I took a front wheel out! I know it's reasonably straightforward. I think I have the necessary kit (both paddock stands, etc). Get the wheel off, and even then remove the disc, and someone can have a shot at breaking the lock 'on the bench'.

    Anyone got any comments to cheer me up? :confused:
  2. Tried drilling out the lock??
  3. Is it just through the disc?
    It may be easiest to sacrifice the disc if so.

    What bike by the way? Discs aren’t generally 300 quid each.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Or that... That's how the crims get them in London, cut the bit of disc off
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. 748.

    But, update, panic over! I have just found the keys! :D

    I had a sudden flash of inspiration. Of course I'd checked all my pockets, but what about the apron I wear for cooking and home-brew porpoises that's hanging up there on a hook on the kitchen door? I might have been wearing that at the time...

    The relief to check the pockets and find those keys was almost orgasmic! the most fun I'll have tonight!
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  6. Phew! Pleased for you :)
  7. Least you didn't lose your key to find it sat in the washing machine (after washing). Very panicked moment as I put the key in the bike in the hope it still worked :neutral:... It did luckily.
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  8. Was that a chipped key?

    Fortunately, none of that malarkey with the 748!

    But thanks for the support, guys, it's appreciated. It's the damage these things do to your head, as much as your wallet, if you know what I mean.

    I shall most certainly be going down the pub now tonight! On foot!
  9. That’s good however, I hope it is a suitable apron to wear outdoors!
  10. Guessing so as Ducati said they had to code it to the bike or something like that ... Enjoy your beer :cool:

  11. It absolutely is. A 'proper' one, butchers style, navy with the white vertical pinstripes.

    Certainly *not* a wacky, 'comedy' one. ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Worth sorting out a spare key or a new lock with two keys :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Indeed. I have a spare ignition key for the bike, which works, I checked, so all good there. I will treat myself to a new padlock.

    It' s silly I know, but yesterday this had me so depressed, and tonight it feels like a massive weight off. Thanks again for your constructive support. :)
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  14. I’d take the wheel out and grind it off / drill it.
  15. I had a lad fixing the hydraulics on the roof on one of my cars. Nice oul Irish lad. He lost the keys, which unfortunately were coded to the car and the only solution was an entire new set of locks at circa £2000. I didn't even have the heart to tell him.
  16. Ah sh*t happens. Sometimes it all turns out great afterall (particularly if you are wearing an apron). Just get the "spare key set" for everything made, then store them together in your sock drawer, so you never forget where they are!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. You wear an apron.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Thought you were going to say you found the keys hanging out of the disc lock :)
  19. I really hope this is the beer you are brewing?

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