999 Needs Exhaust Gaskets..but Help??

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by SEBASTIAAN, Jul 13, 2021.

  1. Im lookin for all New gaskets on my 2006 999s.

    I found the gaskets on the heads.

    There are 2 rings on the horizontal ones.
    And 1 ring on the vertical (goes into the silencer).
    But is miss one? (See below my reply)

    Im not running the stock exhaust..but the half termi. Are these gasket rings the same??
    Cause on the parts program you can see a bag with rings (of the termi).

    Other problem. On the vertical one 1 gaskets leaks a bit.
    Its the one between the header and the tube to the silincer.
    And i can not find it in the parts program. This is

    #1 SEBASTIAAN, Jul 13, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2021
  2. So not the one on the head. But the ring after..... 20210713_123936.jpg
  3. Ok thanks.

    But i cant find the one of the picture with red arrow??
  4. That's because there is no gasket there.
  5. Hmm.

    Ok..thanks. so need a bit joint liquidsealer
  6. Just removed the spring. There was a v ring gasket. Same as the one in muffler and front horizontaal exhaust
  7. i understand. Weirdest thing is.. the horizxontal one has a flange where the gaskets stops en get pressed in.
    On the picture above the vertical one hasnt got a flange. .. but in real life..it has. same as the header of the horizontal one.? why does the picture doesnt show it??
  8. Its the same diameter also. So ordered 3 of them and 1 big one.
    Its the same diameter as the rest.
    Tipical italian
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