Mivv Suono + decat pipe / fuel consumption

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by white power, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. hi guys,

    I recently changed the standard exhaust to a Mivv mid and end pipe (Suono). I like the sound, but the fuel consumption has gone up dramatically to about 225kms after a refill (without significant change of my riding)
    No problems with the exhaust valve, no errors in the dash. Normally I do about close to 300km before the warning light show on the dash.
    Thought it was plug and play... Any ideas?

  2. I have the same Suono and it was fitted by a performance shop with a dyno (so they had a good base knowledge). The owner test rode it and thought the fueling wasn't bad on std ECU but running a little richer. I have been getting 42-46mpg typically and on long trips with other Multis there's often very little difference at fill up time.

    May be worth seeking some specialist advice if it hasn't changed your riding style.
  3. I put the same MIVV system on my bike , and fuel consumption actually improved a little after my dealer played around with fueling .
    385 km from a tank - which I thought was great . I was happy with sound and high end performance - over 3500 rpm .
    BUT it was an absolute pig to ride under 3500rpm ( in the closed loop ) . Popping on overrun , backfire on hard deceleration and the odd stall ! which I thought could be dangerous .
    So I tried a PC5 with " optimizer " to see if I could smooth out fueling . I had it fitted by a good mechanic and Dyno'd to tune , and he wasn't happy with it . Neither was I . I took it back a week later and got him to take it off . Fuel consumption had gone up to only 230km from a tank ! And it was still a pig to ride !
    He thought the 'optimizer' may have been faulty . But Dynojet denied it and I have it the box in the garage! ( Sorry about going off topic a bit there )
    So it's back at the Ducati dealer and I think we are going back to the stock exhaust . I gonna trade up to a 2013 anyway .
  4. Some suggestions here....are you running the Mivv with a BR baffle? The baffle that fits between the de cat pipe and the mivv box/silencer? If so this may be the cause of the consumption ie very airflow restrictive. Try it without....


    Duc Dave
    i had mine on the dyno and Chris CJS actually closed off the air screws. This did away with any popping. After a service the dealer turned them out again and the popping was back. Suggest you close the air screws and see (remember how many turns u screwed them in a so you can revert back to the way they were). Chris sets the AF in the ECU so the air screws become redundant.

    Just in case you are wondering I am running with a Mivv Decat and Mivv Ghibli exhaust, no baffle only the noise restrictor at the end of the can.
  5. Thanks Multi Rider
    I'm not running the baffles either .
    But I'll suggest the air screws to the mechanic - he hasn't got to my bike yet . Thanks .
    As I said I think I'm Gonna trade up anyway , but I would hate someone else to put up with the bad fueling .
  6. @ DucDave; nope... no baffles here, mid pipe is all open all the way, the end pipe is also 'see through' . Would another db-killer make a difference?

    thanks for your help!
  7. Mate I really can't answer that - beyond my knowledge . But sounds like we have exactly same set up and your fuel consumption is really high for some reason?
    Multi Rider may have a better idea .
    There was I post I saw over weekend (from CJS ? ) I think about Bazzaz and power commanders , that was really enlightening and sort of explained why individual variances in tunes are a problem .
    That's why I'm going back to stock.
  8. White Power it is towards the end of the FatDucs thread and it was posted by CJS ;-)
    Hope this helps
    Cheers Dave
  9. Thanks Dave, although the outcome of my project isn't really what I hoped for... I get your point to go back to the original set up, I have to get used to this solution also I reckon...

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