1299 Heat

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Noste500, Jul 22, 2021.

  1. Are all the panis as hot as my 1299 to ride ?
    Also are the other bikes like the street fighter the same ?
    Mine is std and is mad hot around ass and legs
  2. yes, you keep moving & don't visit traffic lights or town centers.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. yep they all get hot.
  4. Don't stop for red lights, don't go below 100, if there is a vehicle in front, overtake at all costs. If it's above 10 degs C, don't go out. Do all those things and you'll be alright :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  5. Oh,..and if you haven’t had kids yet,…freeze some of your sperm :confounded: !
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  6. yep... V2 is even hotter, it's Euro5 that's driving it, it's CRAZY hot... the V4's now have cylinder cut which may help a bit I don't know, but the twins, savage.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. You lot are soft :joy:

    Honestly I’m not sure if I’ve got a Teflon undercarriage or what?! But I’ve never had these issues on panigales. They’re a bit warmer than some bikes but you are sitting on a combustion engine and a load of exhaust routing
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. My V2 was physically melting textile kit (the laminate), and running at 105 degrees most of the time on a day hotter than 22 degrees, so yes, you absolutely have teflon balls mate...

    That said, My 899 IMO was totally manageable... hence saying I think the new stuff is worse.
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  9. Maybe you have no undercarriage.... I had actual burns the one of the few times I rode mine on the road. Granted, I was wearing kevlar jeans, but they're designed for it. Never expected to tend to burns on my thighs :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Mine never bothered me at home, the frozen north,..never gets over about 24c here , so not a problem
    But a few years ago we went to Germany in the middle of a heatwave, 34c it was and the little 899 just couldn’t cope with it,..saw 108c on the temp gauge going through all the traffic lights back to our hotel, just couldn’t sit on the seat it as that hot, so I was perching myself on the tank,..mates though it was fekkin hilarious :joy::joy: !
    I was certain that I’d singed the old “ rusty bullet hole” but I couldn’t quite see when I bent over and looked through my legs in the wardrobe mirror in the hotel :bucktooth: and when I asked one of my mates to have a look and check it out he just flat refused for some reason :scream::scream::D really find out who your mates are in situations like that eh? ;):joy::joy:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. I had read various reports about the heat you feel when sat on a Panigale, but I thought it couldn't be worse than how it felt on my 2004 and 2010 R1, both underseat exhaust models, then when I got my 899 last year, I can see what everyone means. You certainly notice it once you get caught in slow moving and start-stop traffic.
  12. As @Phill748 says, v2 and v4s are hotter than 899/1199/959/1299. No doubt in my mind having experience of them all.
    But they are all hot. Just wear your Chernobyl undies.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  13. I can confirm that. Today I was out for a 150 running in trip and the V2 was roasting. Even at speed it was hotter than the sun. I’m hoping once I’ve got my full system and an upmap done it will be more bearable.
  14. Effing pansies on this site!

    signed Dave who spent out on an 85 quid heat shield kit. I have not had a single ride since where I have felt like you guys describe above. I certainly did before fitting it! Also had the fans come on earlier when she was remapped. Worth looking into.
  15. Thanks all

    So is the heat shield kit any good ?
  16. Two pairs of leathers does the trick
  17. spoiler alert, I’m afraid on that specific bike I don’t think it will be. But I hope it is as otherwise it’s a lovely bike
  18. I keep meaning to get some heat shielding to at least apply it to the underside of the seat. Don't think I'll bother with the full Ducati Spacers kit though.
  19. I did that, this is what happened too it

  20. Ive put that gold stuff, the proper gold stuff not fleabay cheapshite, under my seat. Inside my AKRA 'heatshield'. I have a Peter Lieb subframe carbon covers with heat shield behind it. These measures help, but its still murder in slow traffic on >30°C days. But before it was murder >27°C.

    On the plus side, mid season and cold days its fine. :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
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