First Ride On The Custard 888

Discussion in '851 / 888' started by wastegate, Aug 29, 2020.

  1. There was a thread on here (or it may have been on the 851/888 forum) which said to put a piece of inner tube between the two halves of the ball joint. I haven't tried it yet but like Kevin I have to tighten up the mirrors on my SP3 at intervals. The other thing that helps a bit is to shorten the screw a bit with a file.
  2. Mirror fixed, just used a reasonably fine emery cloth to take the shine off caused by being knocked out of line so many times. Cheers

    If that wears I have some stuff made for cycle seat posts that wont stay up, sort of ground glass in a gel, will try that.
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Bargain compared to RC30s!! And the 888 SP models are pretty special in my opinion. I’ve been sat on my SP3 that I bought in 1992 watching the prices stay pretty flat, not that I could bring myself to sell it anyway.
  4. SP5 owners normally make that claim... I prefer the white framed SP bikes, but I’m heavily biased
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Very easy to to straighten them out with some heat from a blowtorch.
    I've done it several times over the last 22 years of 851 ownership.

    Steve R
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  6. I didn't realize they were steel until after I ordered a pair off stein dinse. WIll try and straighted it now anyway, sounds like a useful spare to have in the garage. Cheers.
  7. Those bars look strangely "pulled back", is that how you like them ?
  8. They are in the correct position to ensure the reservoirs and switches don't foul the tank or fairings. I think the slight fish eye of the camera might also not show them in the right position.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Very nice, love them
  10. Very Nice!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Gopro/action cameras all have fisheye lens which distort image
  12. And a setting for turning that off! :D
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Ah enjoyed that little ride :)

  14. ;) nice bins could have been more prominent just saying :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
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