Psa M6 Junction 10 Closed

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by DucatiScud, Aug 7, 2021.

  1. But if they are in front you can control your situation by observing what they do and dropping back if needed etc
  2. True, provided they don't cause an accident (involving you) trying to get past.
  3. Really annoys me when I leave myself a gap in front just incase and then some idiot has to zip into it thinking it’s a space for them
    • Agree Agree x 2

  4. Annoying ain’t?

    Imagine what LGV drivers have to put with then, I drove 7.5tonne trucks for a short time, leave a long braking distance and it’s an invitation for that space to be taken. :mad::mad:

    Considering this was a PSA announcement it’ll go on longer than the motorway closure.:D
  5. Agree I always try not to pull out in front of a lorry and give it space
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  6. 5 years of driving in Napoli and Paris cured me of any issues with people’s driving.
    So long as nobody gets killed/injured I don’t care what people do.
    Whizz down the empty lane of a big queue? Let them in. No skin off my nose if they want to do that. Who cares?
    Tailgating? Pull over or speed up. Who cares?
    Saves on a lot of stress or heartache. Chill.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  7. Theres no point being racey in a car. Better to just chill. Adaptive cruise control is nice. Set the gap and relax. I drive a van and I'm in no hurry. However, I will tut and mumble wanker at the odd fellow now and again. Lane jumpers are silly. I see no point. Over the years Ive learnt you may as well just stay in your lane in heavy traffic. Its easier and more often than not, quicker. I find it mildly entertaining to watch the daft things people do, whilst adding my own commentary.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. I’ve not found now I drive at 105kph as my maximum cruise control that my journey times are any much longer than they were when I was tear arsing up and down motorways trying to get to a job early home quicker. Plus I’m certainly more relaxed when I get home, like you I just stay in lane in heavy traffic.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. I stay in the lorry lane as it goes quicker as truckers just keep on moving :D
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Over simplifying of every case here R, which is unusual for you..
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