Am booked at Oulton on Tuesday with my 748s with slip on termis Guy who booked it for me has just told me its 102Db which I am unsure I will pass Need some Db killers PDQ to be on safe side - anyone able to tell me where best to get some ? Ducati Leeds dont have any... Thanks
Tuesday Fleabay only looks to have stuff from abroad that I can see - no chance of them getting here before then Wouldnt have booked had I known! Assumed was noisy - he knows how loud it is! Bugger
Menatlist - fleabay currently blocked till lunch at work - will have a look see then - thanks In the meantime these guys have these in stock - I need angled ones I assume? They are 50mm - getting the good lady to measure .... Angled Exhaust Baffle, A&R Racing Services
Measure out at 48mm according to wifey - Mentalist - they look like they would fit but they are in Germany
these are in the uk and fit angled pipes Exhaust Db killer, noise reducer, simple to fit baffle ideal fro trackdays hope this helps 07905 879407 Mon - Thurs 9.00am - 5.00pm 07905 879407 Mon - Thurs 9.00am - 5.00pm
Another uk shop that supplies Bike It ring these and ask, you'll need them at oulton, been there done that lol.
Thanks - appreciated v much Sorted and should arrive tomorrow Richie - come say hello if you come down - I am on the 'Mr Yes' 748s in infostrada fairings - first time will have had it on track
Excellent, glad you got sorted, I'd be going but stuck offshore till the 10 july, just trying to book cadwell for the 22nd Which site did you manage to get them from?
The A and R ones but the ones you found also would have fit so thanks for your efforts - turns out the guy at A and R was wrong saying they were 50mm - he rang me back - they are just under 48mm so perfect Quite fancy Cadders too - will see how I get on on Tuesday first Not been on track for about three years and never on a twin so should be fun
I am also at oulton with my 848 on Tuesday, I was at brands last Monday and my bike went through noise testing at 102db with a full termi system, so you may get through but I am taking my baffles with me
Good to know, cheers. Sounds like its farting with baffles in, don't like it. Out all the time if I could.