Anybody Using Apple Airtags On Their Bike?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Shorty4045, Sep 5, 2021.

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  1. Also with apple airtags, to stop people using them as a personal tracking device, if a airtag that is not registered with your apple account is detected by your iPhone for more than a set period of time, you will get a notification on your iPhone to advise you that a unknown airtag is near by.

    So if a wannabe thief was to steal your bike they would get a notification that there is an airtag close by & would not take much to figure out it was on the bike.
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  2. I have a few of these on some of my 'things'
    I like the live tracking if somethings goes walkies.... including the Dog..!

    e.g. I have one on the wife's car key as she looses them on a weekly basis.....
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  3. Vodafone does a tracker for 20 quid with a 2 pound per month subscription. I had a couple of the Chinese trackers but found them to be hit and miss. They weren't reliably accurate enough for me.
    It's called a curve. Comes with a keyring holder too.
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  4. I did think about this but then read about the unregistered airtag pinging someone it was following, if the criminal has an iPhone it wouldn't last long.

    But, I have read that the feature doesn't work very well at all as the first thing people did after release was see how easy it was to stalk someone with one.
    Apple are working on updates apparently, but no idea if/when they are being pushed out.
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  5. Apparently If the ‘thief’ has an android phone it will still give you the location without warning the scum bag …
  6. We have one and no I would not use it for tracking as the further away it goes the longer it takes to update location, could be hours as it needs other iPhones around to "triangulate" back to your phone
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  7. I have never had another tag detected by my phone only mine
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  8. I have one hidden on the bike. If in my garage and I want to check if its still there: the app on my iphone tell me instantly even if I'm abroad. I have never been notified on my phone that I am near a air-Tag from someone else. There is no subscription and when the button battery needs replaced it tells your iphone. While it is not dedicated bike tracker; for £30 its good value and might get your bike back if the worst happens.
  9. It basically uses all Apple Bluetooth connections to triangulate its location. You buy one, assign it to your account, add it to the dog, keys, car whatever and set some trusted locations (like home). If it’s not at home and it’s not within distance of comms with your phone or closet Apple BT product it sends you a warning (if you enable it) with last known location. If it’s because you dropped it and no one has pinged it since, it’s last place it comms your phone. If it’s been pinged by someone else’s, that’s the location. It can be granular too, like 6ft left, and it can play a sound if you are searching in bushes…. I’ve never had notification of one being close that wasn’t mine but they do have that because it’s easy to drop one in someone’s bag and track them, so may be picked up by a thief depending on how close they remain to the bike.

    I will be using if I leave it somewhere, like overnight at hotel or at a track, as you can set it to ping immediately if moved from a location (iirc) so almost like an alarm.

    I have 4 of them, 3 on keys and one for other stuff like put one in a suitcase so you may have a chance to find it when the airline loses it :rolleyes:

    Many people now use with animals. If we get another cat or a dog, I will put one on their collar.

    Battery lasts about 2 years, tells you well in advance when it needs changing, is a standard off the shelf battery and takes two min to change.
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  10. We used an air tag so I could keep an eye on a car at one of the London Airports 135 miles away from me.
    The lack of iPhone triangulation meant that if the car had moved my notification would only notify me once an iPhone had been near the car.
    For example the car was at the drop off point most of the day on my app when in reality it was in the car park.

    So if your item is somewhere remote unless there is iPhone triangulation you won't know where it is for some time
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  11. Not being an Apple user, by choice, I have Samsung Smart Tags for things like keys. Put one in my and my GF's suitcases when on holiday having had a case go missing before. They work well but similar to Air Tags they rely on a phone (Android) being nearby, obvs not an iPhone. Out of interest tracked cases though baggage handling and then onto plane on a recent trip. Not aware of notification of their presence in the vacinity. The Smart Tag Plus versions are even more accurate with VR final tracking on your phone when you're nearby. With the std ones, that I have, you can get them to emit a tone for final location search once you're close. Of course, you do need an Android phone to use them.
    #13 Bumpkin, Dec 2, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2023
  12. I was given an Apple air tag and did “hid” it on my track bike. It worked great. Cheap (very) peace of mind if nothing else.
    #14 Expat Jack, Dec 2, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2023
  13. We had one on the cat lol. It worked well until she got fed up of it :D
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  14. I use one and have tested it across London. My bike is underground in a secure area with security officers and layerd security. The Tags have always been consistent and have worked well. If a thief steals my bike and it alerts him then good. Hopefully he abondons the bike. I removed the AirTag speaker and sprayed the tag black so it blends in with where I have placed it.

    I dont like GSM trackers for two reasons (1) Sooooooooo easy to find with a simple gadget (2) even easier to disable. I will disable anyones tracker from 30ft away. If you have a gsm tracker with motion sensor or geofencing you won't get an alert nor will you get a breadcrumb trail.

    On some occasions it can take 24hrs + for the tag to alert someone.
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  15. no experience personally but hear these get mentioned a few times with encouraging reviews.
  16. Just scan the bike with NFC enabled (even an Android phone). Tag found, website link gives serial number of AirTag and linked mobile telephone number for owner.
    All these tracking devices have work arounds known to criminals. The limiting thing with AirTags are the reliance on hive linking to other Apple devices and the range of Bluetooth. Apple even built in safeguards to alert people of the presence of a tag. Removing the speaker does not guarantee it will remain covert.
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  17. We use one in dogs harness, kids/Mrs are paranoid about him!

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  18. Use 1 in my car, my bike has a Biketrak tracker.
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