Ryder Cup 2021

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Sep 24, 2021.

  1. Anyone watching? Been on hols this week away and back in time to see the 4somes kick off. Poulter and Mclroy getting a lesson so far while the Spaniards are taking the Genoa thru their own inquisition;)

    Strongest American team ever apparently and Europeans massive underdogs
  2. Not the best start… and now the four balls. And Dechambaux already hit a spectator first tee shot…
  3. Gonna be a tough day coming back from that tomorrow
  4. Fear it’s all over after day 1 :(
  5. And whoever thought Harrington was right fir captain needs must have jelly where their brain should be!
  6. It’s not done on any measure of merit, it’s just about who’s turn it is next
  7. And it’s crazy. I can’t think of a golfer less suited to leading a team
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