I've owned mine for over 23 years, built quite few motors, I'm one of the mod's on the 851/888 Forum, taken my own one to 140rwbhp* with a fully wet weight of 350lbs and I'm an unashamed anorak on these models. *With more genuine factory parts than the customer racer models. Steve R
Patience is required, until either the seller realises he overpriced it or you’ve saved enough to realise his over ambitious pricing.
What about this one ? Reads well https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203611132969?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
You've got me mixed up with someone else chap, the last new bike I bought was back in 1983. The last 2nd hand one was close to 13 years ago???? I have spent a small fortune on bits of bike over the last few years though, probably more than most spend on a new bike or 3. Steve R
I thought i would list this one here for a change instead of the ebay section, 888 SP5 in from Japan in yellow folks. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/17493791...rentrq:2b87858a17c0aaecc822d553fff8d4ba|iid:1
I bought the one with the ex Graeme Ritchie engine(SP3) that was on ebay the other week, had to be done