899 Checking Radiator Header Tank Level..??

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Poucher, Oct 7, 2021.

  1. Just had the fairings off and thought I’d check the water levels in the radiator and header tank, all good but how the hell do you see anything through the header tank window? The Max / Min marks?
    I know the waters in there cos I topped the header tank up a little till it overflowed and it was nice and dark colour but you just can’t see anything at all through the window as it seems too white solid coloured,…any tips, tricks I’m missing :thinkingface: ??
  2. Mine was the same, I put a torch up against part of the window and gave the bike a wiggle. Just about able to make out the water level that way
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  3. @bettes has a nice solution to this IIRC
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  4. Tried the torch thing, still can’t see f.a.?
  5. His was the clear balance pipe from header tank to radiator iirc?
    Good solution but only drawback is that you have to take the fairing side off to check it ?
  6. Don't know if this is a similar arrangement, but on my newly acquired 999 I found it easiest to kneel in front of the bike, slide my phone on torch up the stanchion to illuminate the level marks and look at it from underneath the fairing.
  7. Pretty sure you can then check with fairings on and a good light source. Ian will advise.
  8. I can never see in mine - I just push 6mm cable tie in through the top and use it as a dip stick
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  9. I think you’re supposed to be able to see it using the torch on the inside method. I tried and couldn’t but admittedly, I’m not the sharpest tool in the box. :)
  10. But can you with your Carlos fandango tube?
  11. Not with the side panel on.
  12. Sorted :upyeah:
    I must have overfilled the header tank and it had gone past the top of the inspection window, so when I wobbled it the level was too high to see,……drained about 150 ml out and it’s dropped nicely between the Max and Min marks, funnily enough it’s easier to see the level in the dark of the garage with my head torch on than it was outside this afternoon, too much ambient light probably.

    Happy now :D ..cos that was bugging the t1ts off me !!:confused:
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  13. Not too convinced with the clear tube method. Sometimes the level looks right and sometimes looks full. Same temperature.
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  14. Just been on YouTube to see if there’s any tips on there, one was quite useful, one guy drains the header tank completely and then puts 375 ml in it to get the correct level, probably easier than crawling about under the fairing with a torch :thinkingface:?
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