950 Givi Dolomiti Panniers

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Longdog, Oct 8, 2021.

  1. Has anyone fitted Givi Dolomiti 36 litre panniers on their 950 Multistrada? I know the Dolomitis are discontinued, but they are still a damn good piece of kit and I would like to keep them as I have the three boxes with one key to open them. They need racks with PL/PLR fittings but the Givi website shows Trekker cases and racks with PLOR fittings, can anyone shed some light for me please?
  2. IMO you might as well strap three flip top dustbins onto your bike.....:scream:
    With that in a photograph, at least you'd get Ducbird's positive vote! ;)
  3. See? You can polish a turd!
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