Removing Motografix Tank Pad And Number Boards

Discussion in 'Detailing and cleaning' started by jack999s, Dec 12, 2021.

  1. Anyone know the best way to remove the sticky glue residue left over after removing the Motografix protectors?
  2. WD40 is good at removing a lot of adhesives.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Perfect will try WD40 first and if no luck will try the stuff above.

  4. WD40......miracle juice....does it work on haemorrhoids as well?
  5. No, but it makes them move in and out easier...
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. Waiting for you to try it and report back.
    Assuming you are able to focus your thoughts at some point afterwards.
  7. Well here I am reporting back in......from A&E.

    I gave them a generous squirt of miracle juice and initially things felt good. I could not see what was going on too well so used my cigarette lighter to shed some light on proceedings.

    I am not sure what happened next, but I can tell you, I have never felt pain in that region quite so intense and there is a prevailing smell of burnt hair.

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