Hi folks, Anybody have a go to man for wheel spokes. I am after 2 for the wee ones KX65 and nobody seems to sell them individually. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. ta
It could be worth trying a bicycle shop, If i remember correctly they are the same size as some BMX bikes. I know some of the smaller shops used to sell them individually. I’m fairly sure my son replaced some that way
There's a guy near me in Whalley Bridge who does wheel building & from what I remember when I've been there, he rolls his own threads on his spokes so I assume he can make them any length. I get my spoked wheels built by him. https://find-open.co.uk/whaley-bridge/classic-brake-services-2436106 Obviously he's not close to you, but I'm sure a phone call would answer any questions you might have & if he can help you.