Need Forks For 1997 M600 Monster

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Jim Harrison, Dec 26, 2021.

  1. I need to replace the forks on my 1997 M600 Monster (Marzocchi forks I believe) - based in Bristol, UK but can travel within reason to see/buy the right set! Ideally both legs but the right hand one (no brake calliper bracket) is the critical one


  2. My m600 had caliper brackets both legs? Maybe a chance to upgrade to another set of more adjustable forks?
  3. Yep I could put something different on, any ideas re what else might fit? Later Monsters seem to have a different make fork with different mudguard fittings so may need a new mudguard as well?
  4. Worth searching on Ducati sporting club site, it’s a bit old and not used but some really good info on interchangeable wheels, forks etc as these are the desmodue race bikes. If they fit, a set of ST ones are great, the early ones have fully adjustable forks too.
  5. Had a quick search and the thread I was thinking of I can’t find. Couple of things to bear in mind: yoke sizes (probably ok for most non ohlins), front spindle size as early and late monsters iirc are different, offset.

    Also if buying other forks even if monster check spindle size is same anyway
  6. Asked a mate who knows these inside and out having built loads of race bikes from parts….he said:
    Pre 99 M600 different spindle diameter and caliper bolts spacing, also mudguard. 2000 to 2001 M600 would take ST forks straight in
  7. Awesome, thanks for that. So needs to be pre 99 or I'll need new brakes and spindle as well! Hopefully I can find something pre 99 to avoid lots of work. Really appreciate the help on this
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  8. I’ve asked my mate if he has any. Is it mainly the non-caliper leg you need?
  9. Yes the left leg looks pretty reasonable, I think it would be OK with new seals, but it's the right leg (non calliper) that is in a poor state with quite a lot of deep pitting. I'm OK to strip down and replace the seals if necessary
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  10. Am guessing you could always swap them or get one that has caliper and use that still, may mean the preload is in the wrong leg if swapped over. Iirc one leg does the adjustment only
  11. But if he only has a right leg with calliper fittings that would be fine too of course, I can just leave them empty
  12. No adjustment on these....!
  13. Here’s bolt in upgrades, same spindle etc ;)
    both the adjustable 900 Showas and the non adjustable 750 Showas both SS and Monster
  14. Non adjustable Showa forks from a 750 are the cheapest way forward but just because of the age they might need rechroming as well as a rebuild. I swapped my Marzocchis for these and used Brooke Suspension for the refurb work. Progressive rate springs are available for the Showa forks but not Marzocchi.
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  15. Thanks Denzil, the single leg is Showa not Marzocchi so I would need a left leg as well and the 900 Showas have different axles and mudguard mountings.....but appreciate the assistance anyway!
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