Unsure ..which Model

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Justatad, Jan 1, 2022.

  1. Hello all, after just breaking up with my partner of 10 years…I need a distraction & some retail therapy, not married or cohabiting thank F**k !!! I’ll try & keep this concise
    I’ve got around 13k to spend, Ive been looking at the 998 s (mono) which would be my preferred choice, also been looking at 1198 s , 1199 Tricolore , obviously there are more availability on the latter two models
    I’ll be straight, I want a bike that will almost be guaranteed not to depreciate, if so, very little
    I have a Multistrada dvt, so it wouldn’t be my only bike, and it will be kept in the hallway of the house to be admired & some fair weather summer riding
    Any advice greatly appreciated
    #1 Justatad, Jan 1, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
  2. Congratulations :upyeah:….you just dodged a bullet there :D;)

    Bikes??…buy whatever makes you happy, sod the depreciation!
    • Agree Agree x 10
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  3. Has to be the 998 then, end of conversation.
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  4. Here we go with this new model.;)
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  5. If anti smog rules become nationwide, nothing will stop the depreciation (unless its a very, very rare bike). Still if you buy a wonderful 916, 996, 998, 1098, 1099 (others are also available!) the enjoyment you'll get is probably more important.

    Have fun finding then riding the right bike!
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  6. This is a very good point. I think in the near future, unless you have a very rare bike/car, everything will probably depreciate because you’ll be very limited where & when you can ride it.
    Add to that the pressure we’re all going to be under when Greta’s generation grows up & riding a Termi clad petrol bike is going to be a challenge I’m afraid.

    As Jez, says , buy it because you love it & at the moment you can still ride it!
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  7. She has a matching third somewhere down south.............shit i'm in trouble with that comment.:D
  8. Yes nice jugs :upyeah:
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  9. I have a DVT Multi for any ride that involves milage but last year I treated myself to a 998 to tinker with and polish then short rides to local bike nights. I'm 70 and a tad overweight so the riding position is not ideal but any discomfort is well worth it for the sheer joy of riding an iconic bike I never dreamt of owning.
    So definately find a 998 and go for it. Great fun and you'll be beating the biker chicks away with a stick.
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