Ktm 990 Notchy Clutch

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Bonkers the Dog, Jan 18, 2022.

  1. I have the above problem.

    It is a hydraulic unit so self adjusts.

    Getting into neutral is becoming a bit of a pain as it feels notchy and will, without concentrating, either drop into first or second.

    When on the move the shift is fine.

    She did have a left side tumble off a work bench 18 nonths ago and took a wee dunt but as she is built like a tank I don't feel that it is linked, thought I might mention it though.



  2. Don’t know how old you bike is. Clutch baskets tend to get notches worn into them where the plates engage . After a while the plates do not travel smoothly along the slots. Worth a look if nothing else comes to mind.
  3. You're correct that hydraulic clutch systems are self-adjusting. What that means is that the distance that the clutch pressure plate moves is constant regardless of the plate stack height — that decreases as the plates wear, and increases when new thicker plates are installed.

    However, the pressure plate has to move a sufficient distance to fully distance the plates from each other in order to prevent drag friction between plates that in turn makes it difficult to find neutral at a stop, and to smoothly engage first gear.

    The primary cause of insufficient plate separation is that there is air in the system. Unlike fluids, air is compressible so air in the system results in a reduction in full pressure plate movement and clutch release. The other common cause is the installation by the owner of a larger diameter aftermarket slave cylinder.

    Bleed the air from your system and all will be well again.
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  4. Shazaam returns!!!!
  5. Cheers folks, I'll bleed the system and give you an update....at some point!
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