1199 Bar End Weight Removal

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by ibgarrow, Jan 18, 2022.

  1. I’m trying to remove the bar end weights in order to fit lever guards. Am I being too wimpish, or are the bolts loctited/torqued highly, or even reverse-threaded? It got to the stage where I feared breaking something.
  2. Normal thread mate there just lock tighted in. Give it more welly :upyeah:
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  3. Looks like time to get the Big Bar out-the one I used to torque the rear wheel nut!
  4. Shock n awe I used a lump hammer on a heavy wrench.
  5. I gave up on this a few months ago for the same reason. Might go back to it again...if you confirm nothing snapped. ;)
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  6. I tried the big bar that had the bar moving in the clamp, it just needs a wack to break the seal, nothing broke they can take a bit of hammer Ducati’s
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  7. pretty sure I used a powerbar to do mine the first time but an impact gun might be less stressful! So much loctite and totally unnecessary
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  8. Was just thinking about getting the impact driver out again, after using it to good effect on the Multistrada rear wheel nut. Thanks for this reassurance.
  9. The bar can't rotate as one of the clamp bolts goes into a slot on the tube.

    I undid mine with a 3/8" ratchet, so not a great deal of weight needed. Guess it depends how much plonk Luigi had the
    night before assembly.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  10. …those levers are poncy as f*** anyway, think I’ll leave it.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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