Bike riders still have a bad name!

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Fitzjnr, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. I only find it really irritating when it's cold and you have your balaclava tucked into your leathers with your scarf over it to seal out the drafts. You then have to remove helmet, partially unzip leathers, undo scarf, remove balaclava, pay up, and then it's the process in reverse, except that it's quite hard to knot your scarf behind your neck in leathers, especially one-piece.

    The whole process is a complete drag.
  2. I've never been asked to take my helmet off either. Does that mean I look like a girlie :eek:
  3. You could be with Stevie ;-D sounds girlie
    Steve is more masculine :p
  4. You could be right. It's either that or the pink leathers!
  5. Lol maybe a bright give away :-D
  6. I've done that in the past, Luckily for me there is another petrol station just round the corner so if one gets funny I just get back on and ride away
  7. Just ride there and back to the petrol station without a helmet. If the police stop you, just say "It must've fell off without me noticing "
  8. I got asked on saturday to remove my lid; I found myself getting very angry about it. Sure, I know the reason why some ask it, but it sure as hell feels discriminatory to me. I wonder how many garages have been robbed by a lone biker who fills up first, then queues to pay...
  9. +1

    Ain't that the problem, girlfriend!
  10. I bet they don't ask the Securicor bloke to remove his lid:mad:
  11. Many years ago I was asked to pay for my fuel before filling up my rg125. I didn't even respond to the request, I got back on the bike and didn't go back to that station for years until the management changed. I haven't even been asked to remove my lid there since.
  12. I always use Tesco's pay at pump, never had a problem and for me it's easy and quick. Even when the pay at pump goes down I have never been asked to remove my helmet before filling up.
  13. Sure is :)
  14. No they don't but you can see their faces clearly
    Plus most that i see are 70 with big bellies amazes me how they would fight off an attacker!!
  15. Its simple, if they ask you to remove your helmet, do so. Wait a few weeks then go back and rob them with your number plate removed, or copy el toro's and shove that on :wink:
    • Like Like x 1
  16. They aren't supposed to fight attackers off.
  17. been all over europe and it is standard practice to sit on your bike and fill it with your helmet on then to ride the bike away from the pump and park it before you pay up . but to be fair you do tend to take your lid off because its so fugging hot but there is more trust to bikers as they know we ride for fun and the bikes we ride cost more than a family car so why would we steal petrol ?
  18. With the mongs that work as cashiers at service stations, they're the ones who should wear full face helmets.
  19. :) silly me
    They could clock them one with the money boxes
  20. I think they are mostly men, so don't have money boxes.
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