Holidays - 2022

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mattie821, Feb 11, 2022.

  1. So what excitement has been booked so far then ? - must be about now that definite plans are made and holiday dates booked away from work.

    My Boss and his mate are going to climb Kilimanjaro later this year - delayed from 2020. That should be interesting - I tease that he will get eaten by a Lion :D

    I am off to the Manx GP on the Isle of Man, includes the Classic TT. That should be good - practice and racing. Taking the bike.

    Malaysia MotoGP at Sepang was the other option - had this booked in 2020 before the 'Rona cancelled it all. But it seems they still want quarantine even for fully vaxed, so not going there - that is the end of October so it may change by then.

    A few things in the diary then....:upyeah:
  2. As soon as my Pikes Peak arrives, I’m taking it to Normandy for a long weekend to run it in. Then off to see my Dad in Florida at the end of April (I’ll fly there though!). Then a few weekends away with the wife, before going to WDW in July. Then a trip to a mates pub in Devon on the bikes in September.
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  3. Tentative trip with a few good eggs from here to Luxembourg or somewhere that way in May.

    Hoping for a proper two week holiday with the missus in June warm and exotic.

    Planning to try and get at least one Spanish TD in too
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  4. A new Pikes Peak, Dad in Florida, World Ducati Week and pubs in Devon - a pretty good spread !:)

    Sounds good.

    Warm and exotic - mate from work went with his wife to Barbados - he was saying today that he wants to go back there again. Sounded ace.
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  5. It’s on the list, we’ve been there so may do another island. But missus not keen of long haul
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  6. TT already booked for race week, its a rollover from last year and the year before.

    Classic TT booked, another 2 year rollover, it's my favorite event now. Shortened this year, no great shakes for me as heading home on the Wednesday morning anyway, I'll see the Manx too now.

    Nothing else booked but pondering malta or cyprus with her indoors.

    Will be having a few days in a scarborough too, always like an east coast few days in the summer at some point.
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  7. Note to self, renew passport (exp May 2020)
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  8. A villa booked on the Amalfi coast in May/April for the family and when they go home me and the missus are going to go to Florence.
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  9. We managed to do Christmas and New Year in the Maldives for 3 weeks - so off to a good start we have Glasto booked

    Depends on work for anything else, really enjoy winter breaks and spending the summer here.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. April - week in Ireland on the Scrambler with friends
    May - week in Norfolk with brother in law and his wife
    June - week in Corfu
    July - 5 days at WDW in Italy
    September - week in Kent with friends

    And somewhere in between me & SWMBO will have a few long weekends in Scotland visiting #1 son and family

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  11. Next week, hopefully skiing in New Hampshire, family holiday
    July/August Driving down to France, Family holiday
    Early September Pecos in Spain on the bike with my Brother and my mate
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  12. Australia in April, portimao on the bikes in may, chilly peppers in Rome in June ,also Spain in June then Lisbon sept,Texas in November and hopefully a few more euro track days squeezed in between!
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  13. Hoping to get a 3 month career break from work, Pattaya, Thailand for a month , see what all the fuss is about
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  14. If I pass today's Covid test and the wife, we fly to Maldives Von Sunday for 10 days
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  15. Enjoy
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  16. It has been a long wait for the TT - I went last in 2019, on my R1. Dates for the Manx GP are a easier from work.

    Malta or Cyprus ? woman at work is going to Sardinia with her husband - that sounds good - they have beaches I think.

    Windy Corner :upyeah:
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  17. The covid test?
  18. See you there :)
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  19. IMG20220214123255.jpg I made it to Maldives!
    #20 Cream_Revenge, Feb 14, 2022
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2022
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