Evotech Tail Tidy For Panigale V4

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Paul46, Apr 10, 2022.

  1. Anyone got anything before I bite the bullet on a new one?
  2. I have one which I took off my bike when I converted to track spec. The underside does have quite a few marks where the paint has been chipped but they’re not visible when fitted.



    I’d be looking for £125 plus postage.

    PM me if you’re interested.

    Cheers, James.

  3. @Paul46
  4. How much are you after mate
  5. £125 plus postage
  6. He said £125 plus p&p in his post :)
  7. Sorry was reading on my phone. And all the ads make the page jump about as they load
  8. I’ll take it mate. Can you pm me some details for payment etc
  9. Subscribe and you don’t get any ads ;)
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