1260 Tank Removal

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by riskypicker, Dec 30, 2021.

  1. So i have the tank fairing off (and the rest of the bl00dy plastics) to fit an air filter and keyless fuel cap.

    From searching on how to do this i can see there have been many debates on these 2 items and which is best but im looking for answers on this bit only really:

    1. Left front of the tank - Does this hose need to be disconnected in order to remove the tank? Appears to be pressurised. If so whats the trick?

    2. Ive lifted the almost empty tank up and tried to push forwards to get it off the lower rear mount in the 2nd pic but cant seem to get it far enough forwards. Is this related to 1. above or something else im missing?

    Many thanks

    Multi 1260 tank.jpg

    Multi 1260 tank lower.jpg
  2. Solved part 2. Was just being too gentle. So just that hose and the grey connector. Anyone?
  3. You know it’s the fuel pump? I’m assuming that pipe goes to the throttle bodies.
  4. Yeah that’s the one. Found the answer.
    Push the grey bit down and pull the pipe up. Easy when you know how but rather ask than break it.
  5. How about doing a simple video on this and posting it on YouTube? It’d be useful.
  6. This is quite a good video, although it's for a 1200 enduro.
    Tank connections are around 15 minutes.

    • Useful Useful x 1
  7. Fiddly. Everything about these bikes is fiddly. I pulled the airbox out of my 1200 DVT, just to qualify my opinion. Did I mention that it is all a bit fiddly?
  8. Be very, very careful disconnecting the fuel line to the pump. The plastic connector is is incredibly difficult to remove unless you get the technique bang only but very easily damaged. It's not listed as a part, seems it would require a new pump and possibly a new fuel line, its not clear from the parts catalogue. Took a serious bit of searching and a lot of Google Translate before finding you can get a replacement but only as part of other Italian manufacturers fuel pipe / filter assembly. Regardless, its a lot cheaper than a fuel pump so sacrificing the perfectly good filter wasn't to so bad. One of those insignificant little plastic thingies that can cause a unbelievably disproportionate amount of pain......
    • Agree Agree x 1
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