939 Hypermotard 'race' Seat

Discussion in 'Hypermotard' started by Keith_P, May 3, 2022.

  1. Hi all Hyper939 (&821?) owners. Is there anyone near-ish to Bristol with a 939 race seat. I'm tired of getting squashed by the standard seat and would love to see/sit-on one before shelling out... Also - any for sale?
  2. Sorry not near Bristol but have a race seat thay look loads better and you do not slide around best thing I’ve bought
  3. Thanks Peter. What I really want is not to have my nuts squashed by the standard seat, and be able to move back on the seat now & again without the seat 'bucket' shape forcing me back to the tank! Doesn't sound like the race seat is good for that...? Cheers
  4. The seat hold you in place it’s flat and not bucket shaped like std. I ride with armoured jeans not leathers
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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