I’ve spent a lot of time reading up on this recently whilst building up to ordering a pair of tyres for my 999 project, and it’s been ‘interesting’. Not having ridden the bike, or any other 749/999, I don’t have any comparisons to work from so just did some research and made a decision. I’ve ordered them now, a Pair of Metzeler Sportec M7RRs, and have gone with a 180/55 rear. As a small recap before I get to my point, the 749/999 is fitted with a 5.5j rear wheel, and the standard fitment tyre from the factory 190/50 has been a discussion point since they hit the market. It’s widely acknowledged that the correct width tyre for a 5.5J wheel is 180. It also appears to be widely acknowledged that Ducati fitted a 190 as a fashion statement because all other superbikes at the time had 190s fitted, although most had 6.0J wheels. Over the years all sorts of sizes have been fitted, and everyone appears to have their own preference. 180/55, 180/60, 190/50, 190/55, even a couple of 200’s. All have been fitted and praised for their attributes and effect on handling in various ways combined with the rider’s requirements and riding style. In reality probably 90% of riders using the bikes on the road won’t be able to tell the difference I’d say. One of the things that grated on me during my research was the regular comments along the lines of “fit a 190 for the look” That is of course rubbish, as the difference in fitted width between a 180 and 190 both fitted to a 5.5J rim will hardly be noticeable, I realised that in my workshop at the moment I have various Bikes and wheels, all Ducati, all 5.5J, and all fitted with tyres. So I measured them to see what the difference in overall fitted width is: 999 Wheel - Michelin Pilot Power 2CT 190/50 - 180mm 999 Wheel – Pirelli Diablo 190/55 – 183mm 1000SS Wheel – Pirelli Diablo 180/55 – 182mm M1000 Wheel – Michelin Pilot Power 2CT 180/55 – 179mm Monster S4 Wheel – Michelin Pilot Power 180/55 – 183mm So, unless anyone is actually going to read the sidewall of your tyres, the difference in look is not noticeable. Oh, and you’d have to be pretty shallow to care in the first place. My M1000 and 1000SS mentioned above both feel great to me with the 180/55s on. To my eye, maybe because I was expecting it, the 190/55 does have a more balloon type appearance to the tread face, probably as the walls are squeezed inwards onto the 5.5J rim. But if that profile works with your riding style, so be it.
I thought about it Sev, but the tyres are all worn to different degrees so it won't be a true representation, just an indication. I'll have a go at the weekend.
I adjusted the pressure in all the tyres to 2.0bar, just to get them all the same for a comparison. Then measured the circumference by wrapping a tape measure around the centre of the tyre. Diameter calculated with a pastry based product to very few decimal places. I know this is not a very accurate method but at least it's the same for each tyre. Some of the results are not making sense. 999 Wheel - Michelin Pilot Power 2CT 190/50 - Width 180mm Now fitted with Metzeler M7RR 180/55 (NEW) - Width 181mm, Circumference 2018mm, Diameter 634mm 999 Wheel – Pirelli Diablo 190/55 (VERY WORN) – Width 183mm Circumference 2022mm, Diameter 635mm 1000SS Wheel – Pirelli Diablo 180/55 (VERY WORN) – Width 182mm Circumference 1965mm, Diameter 617mm M1000 Wheel – Michelin Pilot Power 2CT Width 180/55 (ALMOST NEW) – 179mm Circumference 1975mm, Diameter 620mm Monster S4 Wheel – Michelin Pilot Power Width 180/55 (SLIGHTLY WORN) – 183mm Circumference 1970mm, Diameter 619mm I've checked the above several times, and it doesn't make sense that the M7RR 180/55 fitted to the 999 wheel yesterday is so much bigger in circumference/Diameter than the 180/55s fitted to the other wheels, especially the almost new 2CT on the M1000 Wheel. It is more similar to the worn 190/55.
Just for info...I have Michelin Pilot Power 2CT on my 900ss, and they are ragged to the very limit, a great tyre for this bike. When I got my 999 I thought about the difference in the bikes long and hard and decided to go with what I thought was a higher performance tyre. I just didn't think the 2CTs would be up to the job for the 999 (80hp vs 140) I went with Michelin Pilot Power 3 and was very happy with the results. Cheers Grant
ok so my track 749 based on an 06 dark is currently on a 180/60 rear and i need new tyres assuming i dont need to part out my bike following a recent off. if i switch to a 180/55 i expect i wont notice any difference given im a crap rider but in technical terms, does it mean that more or less rubber will be on contact with the ground all else being equal?
I M7RRs on my K1300s which kicks out about 186BHP and I like them a lot. Wouldn’t use anything else on it. I also have Metzeler Racetec on my 749R which are also great.
iiirc the lower the second number the steeper the profile and so the more contact patch you will have. That said at 5mm difference I doubt you will notice any difference on the road. Besides all that tyres today are much better than the garbage that was fitted to 749’s back in 2004. 55 or 60 you will always have much more mechanical grip with a 2022 tyre than a 2004 tyre
everyday is a school day. I always thought 55 and 60 was the hei go hit if the sidewall. Good to learn something new
That’s what I thought too! I have 180/55 Diablo BSB Supercorsa’s on the rear. I’m no knee down track hound so I have some good chicken strips and a slight flat spot around the middle. On the MOT this year the tester mentioned that the tyres were over 10 years old now and they had some side wall surface cracks, keep an eye on them sort of thing. Thing is I do so little mileage these days, sub 250 miles a year, that spending out on brand new Super Corsa’s doesn’t make sense. I’ve seen for sale on eBay some BSB Supercorsa SC1 scrubs that have next to no use tread wise but the rears are 180/60’s. Fronts are correct 120/70’s. Will these be ok for my bike as they are a huge saving over new.
180/60 will be absolutely fine. I have have run both 180/55 and 180/60 on my 749 trackbike and roadbike with no discernable or noticeable difference.
I run Pirelli Super Corsa scrubs from BSB on my 749 & 999, both 180/55. They are very different bike weights, but in both cases grip is awesome and wear is what you would expect.