1200 DVT Termignoni Upmap

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by DRS, May 26, 2022.

  1. Good evening,
    A quick question for all the knowledgeable out there.
    I have a full system on my 1200 dvt.
    Should there be some kind of message or indication on the dash at start up, such as "racing"
    I am assuming the previous owner had it installed

    Many thanks in advance
  2. If it’s got a full racing system and had a pucker upmap then it should say “racing” I believe.

    My old Scrambler 1100 Sport did anyhow :)
  3. The upmap key is in the box with the standard exhaust so I'm assuming it's been installed but I have nowt on the dash
  4. Can you get your local dealer to look at it?
  5. Will do - next time I'm oot and aboot

  6. Racing doesn't show on mine and it's been confirmed as loaded by 2 different dealers.
  7. I'll phone my dealer tomorrow as I'm sure they'll have a record of what was done at the time of installation
  8. Says racing on mine too?
  9. Both my 1200 & 1260 said Racing.
  10. My 1260 said racing after the upmap
  11. Morning all
    Thanks for the replies

    Even though I've had the bike for 3 years - and started it a canny few times - this morning I actually looked at the dash as I pressed the unlock button and lo and behold to the right of the ducati logo it says " racing "
    You could have have knocked me over with a feather, or a right hook - whichever you prefer
    Best start paying attention in the future.

    Cheers again all
    • Like Like x 3
  12. :joy: Brilliant! I’m sure one or two might be along to tell you off, but I’m guilty of this kind of thing all too regularly too!
  13. I need to look closer at mine then! I had the upmap loaded on by a dealer a couple of weeks ago and they said it won’t show anything on the dash. I need to look again.
  14. Why doesn’t mine say racing? It’s definitely had the upmap loaded by the dealer.
  15. Was it a new system and upmap, or was it previously owned setup ?
    My understanding of how these upmaps work, is that they upload the race map to the bike, but download the standard map on to the key at the same time.
    Any subsequent uploads will just upload a standard map, so if yours were used, the race map could still be on the bike it was originally fitted to? Then you would be swapping standard map to standard map.
    If you do have a new setup, then you need someone else to read exactly what map is in the ECU, cos it's possible it never swapped properly.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Yes it is a brand new system and upmap I have the paperwork from Ducati showing the upmap had been loaded on
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  17. I can’t see why it wouldn’t show racing in the display if it’s been uploaded correctly

    I would get the dealer to recheck and try the upload again
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. I miss my broken enduro & the racing on dash on start-up. Gawd-damn let it be a small bill'

    Ducati should really have the facility & thinking of allowing the 'racing' message to be optionally displayed or turned off via menu. But still checkable in the menu for a more subtle effect.
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