V4 Crazy Levels Of Vibration Through The Bars...

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by richardbd, May 30, 2022.

  1. Just back from a 2,000 mile jaunt round the highlands. First and index finger of left hand still fizzing (after 48 hours off the bike) from what I can only assume id bar vibes.

    Never suffered from this before on any bike but this is the first 4 cylinder machine I've owned.

    Anybody else have the same problem?
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  2. Tight grip? Poor circulation? Tight/snug gloves? Use the cruise control resting your hands alternately.

    In fact the multi V4 has been the bike to remedy this for me after v-twins and the Panigale V4S.

    I’ve always found bikes with less cylinders profoundly worse.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Broken crank, engine ready to implode….
    Got some chewing gum, packet of cheesy wotsits (large!)
    I’ll swop ya..?

    What say you.?

    Take it back to dealer get them to check all the engine mounts, bar mounts etc, etc.

    Get all recalls checked…

    And my offer stands.!..;)
  4. I’m currently addicted to those bloody Giant Wotsits. Might need to check myself into rehab!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. None of the above - and on the roads we were riding cruise control would have been inappropriate :)

    I also expected few vibes from a 4-cylinder engine but it seems not. I will try heavier bar ends first and then Grip Puppies I guess...
  6. Has your front wheel thrown a weight? It’s not common but can happen. Front tyre might have moved on the rim. (Had that myself).
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  7. No sign of missing weight and nothing odd in the handling either. The vibration of the mirrors is very noticeable when you take your hands off the bars and stops when you put hands back.
  8. The handling could be unaffected but without bar pressure it could induce vibration, I wouldn’t rule it out just yet. Like others have said above, it’s not typical to get white finger on the V4.
    I’d get the front end checked to ensure everything is tight and where it should be, plus get the balance double checked anyway. Fortunately, that’s all a pretty quick and easy job for your dealer.
    Best of luck, let us know the outcome.
  9. The clutch lever is a long stretch on the V4S. Could be worth trying different levers. I have fitted an Evotech shirt clutch lever to mine and it’s made it much easier for me.
  10. i had really bad vibes and numb fingers on right hand on my V4 streetfighter (and starting to get same on the older twins now) so assuming it's me. replaced streetfighter with PPV4 and its loads better (tho not completely) and at least has cruise to take occasional break
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  11. The BMW S 1000 XR was very vibey, they put damping on the handlebar fixing though it didn't completely cure the problem.
    #11 Hugo Magnus, May 31, 2022
    Last edited: May 31, 2022
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  12. Carpal tunnel syndrome.?
    Prior to my first Mut, I had had many sports bikes but started to notice my hand, then hands, would go numb. Turned out, it was CTS. Had both hands done at same time, 32 minutes in total. Never had an issue again.
    Best op(s)I’ve ever had.
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  13. On my 2001 750ss I had vibey handlebars even on short journeys my fingers were buzzing. I swapped out for 'Progrips' and that made a hell of a difference.
  14. My friend has the same issues but worries about the recovery time , how long was your recovery to normal again , hope you don’t mind the question .
  15. I was in fire service at the time so didn’t want to be off twice, hence both at once.
    As I recall, my wrist were covered for 2 weeks then light dressing for one more week. (3wks total)
    As previously mentioned, best ops I’ve had and not one recurrence of vwf/numb hands etc.
  16. I'm not an expert here... but I thought the v4 was smoother than the L twin design ? :thinkingface:
  17. So did I but I didn't have this issue with my old 1200S
  18. So, back to the dealer yesterday - Snell's in Alton, who have been excellent. They stripped and checked the whole front end (including re-torquing all the frame bolts. Nothing of note except the front wheel being out of balance by 40g (no missing weight). I know nothing about wheel balancing but that sounds like a fair bit to me, so now I ride it for a few days and report back. Next port of call, tyres (Road 6).

    Tingly finger crossed...
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  19. My 22 S1XR was dead smooth at any RPM (yes there are vibes way up top, but nothing to really talk about) I tried a set of Evotech bar ends as one of the OEMS backed out and lost it, did not work very well, maybe would of worked on the Gen 1 BMW did a really good job with isolating the vibes- day and night difference when I reinstalled the stock ones
    However for some reason even how smooth the bars felt the mirrors were useless above at and above 5K RPM

    10 yrs back..I had a 2013 Pikes Peak and a 2013 Diavel that had very little bar vibrations - only time when there was significant vibration was rolling on the throttle at low speeds in the wrong gear (but the whole bike actually shook not just bars) once it catches up, vibes cancel out and it's just rapid forward movement- mirrors were even usable even at higher speeds / RPM's and both bikes never put my hand(s) to sleep.
    So.... when I picked up my PPV4 I was expecting something better than what I've experienced with both of my 2013's, Wasn't The V4 GT motor was hyped to be the answer to the L twins rude vibrations and lug...however this is not completely true, It's somewhat opposite with what I'm experiencing- it is smooth somewhere mid range and below, but above that it turns into a paint store mixer and will loosen your fillings and I swear the dash looks like it's going to pop off of the bike because it's vibrating so much...Just uncomfortable at those higher RPM's/Speeds and really sucks because this is where I like to be....to enjoy a bike (at least for me)
    Not all owners complain of this condition, Think I'm one of the minority of folk that experience this Hi vibration, but the majority experiences pure bliss, then there has to be something amiss with mine.
    tire balancing issues was ruled out from 2 different dealers, so it's not the tires causing it, So what could it be other than the motor itself? Both dealers were just eager to get you out the door so checking engine mount torque values wasn't even in the conversation, nor any other recommendations. I need to test another PPV4 back to back to convince me that my bike is 100% fine and is truly the character of the bike, unfortunately none had another PP to test, however the dealer that I purchased the bike from agreed for me to test drive a V4S, I went with one of the GM's and we would switch bikes every few miles..even tried to get the suspension settings dialed in as similar as possible between the 2 bikes....we compared notes and agreed on a couple of things like the PP seat is much plusher compared to the V4S, and felt more vibration on the V4S pegs..what we disagreed on was, that he swears my bike was much smoother than the V4S- and didn't feel any vibration?? To me the V4S felt alot more dampened than mine, just revving the V4S standing still had a different feel and at triple digits it had a much more of a relaxed feel, Like I don't feel I have to back off the throttle just avoid getting crossed eyed from the vibrations.
    Kind of regretting of letting go my 22 XR
    At this point, don't know what direction to take as the shimmer of owning a Ducati is dwindling
    Sorry for the long winded post, just disappointed with my choice
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  20. Leo , feel you pain on making a mistake , I rejected my PP V4 as the chassis was out of line and the front end twisted and it handled like a bag of loose jelly they tried everything from a full strip and rebuild , no good. Went back to the V4 s and it was great .
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