*** WARNING *** Read this - Potentially lethal Front Fork failure

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by AirCon, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Btw, I had reason to remove the wheels from my KTM today the first time since new boots were fitted by 'a well known London supplier'. The pinch bolts were so tight that the t-bar hurt my hands each bolt.
  2. another victim of bad luck over here....
    Ducati Benelux says 'never heard of this before' ....
  3. I'd tell them thats B@ll@cks

    I'd tell them thats B@ll@cks

    My replacement fork foot comes with 19Nm engraved next to the bolts (back filled with White wax, so it stands out)...I'd say it happens a lot!
  4. Thats because of your soft city boy hands............you need a man in for that sort of thing!:biggrin:
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  5. I really can't believe this ...... show them this thread and tell the to fuckin read it !!!!

    Im i the only person seriously worried about these cracking ????

    my bikes out of warranty and now check this part of my bike more than any other, before during and end of every ride, and to be honest don't think it will be long before someone is killed because of this fault. So its ok to say some gorilla of a mechanic has over tightened them but that won't help any family that has lost a loved one because of this, as far as i'm concerned its a WEAK part that can give at any point.

    Fuck all the recalls that weren't recalls but if you mentioned it to your dealer they'd do something ........ THIS SHOULD BE A RECALL AND AT THE TOP OF THE LIST :mad:
  6. Err, that's Mr. Gorilla to you.
  7. Just read this and checked mine out at 17k miles and on the surface, at least, they seem as new to my eyes? On 4th front tyre, but always had them changed at my Ducati dealers (been lucky enough not to have a puncture).

    A frightening prospect for a failure though - thanks for highlighting it.
  8. Well... that doesn't give any garantee... My front tire was changed by official Ducati shop, where I bought the Duc new. Too bad for me that they didn't survive the crisis. I'm rather pissed that Ducati Benelux is looking the other way (again...)
  9. update:
    Ducati Benelux says no to the claim and suggests to get in touch with Ducati.com to explain my story; 'maybe that I've got a chance with them...' :mad:
  10. any luck Whitepower?
  11. If possible I'd look for a different dealer and contact ducati directly. benelux sound lazy. Most dealers have stepped up and contacted ducati and gotten results, like in my case ducati replaced the fork even though the 2 year warranty was up.
  12. @Wheels:
    No, I'm sure that my dealer did what he could in my favor. Ducati benelux sucks... that's for sure!

    When I brought the Duc to the Ohlins repair they told me that I was JUST IN TIME for ordering this piece. Later that week there was another guy that called this Ohlins repair for the same damage. Too bad there was only one piece left in stock in germany, this guy had tot wait until September..!! (goodbye holiday trip....!) (did I say that Ducati Benelux sucks..?)

    The repair on my bike was done perfectly, the new owner won't have any trouble with this... Indeed, I sold the bike...
    By the way... Ducati has changed this part, the serial number for this piece has changed and the piece seems thicker.

    no luck with this.. but actually I gave up..
    After the repairs I sold the bike, the history of the problems is known by the new owner and I am very happy with my new bike.
    (no Ducati but still 150hp/127Nm :))
  13. Sorry to hear whitepower - if you had been in the States your chances of factory help would have been better.
  14. thanks mate for your support!
    situation is what it is... guess a portion of bad luck was on my side...
    I'm moving on and I am very happy with my new bike (also a lot more economic with fuel!)

    my suggestion to all of you, keep an eye on this faulty piece. ducati didn't change the part for nothing.
    Did I say 'ducati benelux sucks?' :)

    I wish you all happy and save riding!!
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  15. Err...Mr Gorilla has been forgiven...888 workshop notice...known fault and being replaced under warranty.
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  16. SR#:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Dear Mr AirConTechnical
    We apologise for the delay in responding to your complaint.
    After further discussions with the After Sales manager at Ducati UK, he has agreed to reimburse the costs incurred directly to you.
    If you can please contact me directly with your bank details, we will make a bank transfer to you for the cost of the fork repair completed b FTR Suspension.

    Please call on 08456 718500 or email me directly on bcowley@ducatiuk.com
    Aftersales department

    Thank you Ducati. I've checked my account today and no monies yet, but at least it looks like my refund will finally arrive.

    And Mr. Gorilla was not the culprit on this occassion...:Cigar:
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  17. Good result, shame it took quite this long but the right call by Ducati in the end. Sooooo, what are you gonna buy for the Mutley with that extra cash then...........
  18. Good work! Plus it's nice to know you were right all along ;)
  19. All they need to do now is sort the poor engine case paint finish out! :mad:
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