Hello, looks like I’ve bolloxed the battery on my ‘19 plate Speciale It’s been fine all winter left on the C tek, Popped out on it a couple of weeks ago and left it in the garage. Went to start it yesterday and completely dead - nothing. Plugged in c tek overnight and after a couple of hours it was signalling that it was on de sulphate ???? Then read the manual and it said they do this to try and recover the battery. Checked this morning and c tek was sat in idle mode. Rang dealer and they said the the tracker would of flattened the battery. If can’t be recovered- new lightweight lithium battery required @ £174 incl vat. Before I pop over tomorrow- does this sound about right ?? tia
Speciale battery is lithium chemistry and most definitely does not require a desulphate cycle, that is for lead acid chemistry only. The Biketrac can be very battery hungry, it has an embedded sim card that is contacted every few hours for location data in monitoring mode. Andy
Desulphate cycle on a charger for a LiPo battery? Is your charger the correct one for your battery? As others have said, tracker will flatten battery over time. The tracker on my bike (biketrac) sends me a low battery alert as the battery goes down if I have forgotten to connect the charger.
The desulphate cycle puts high voltage pulses through the battery. If the lithium battery wasn't knackered before it definitely will be now.