V2 Bogs Down

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by aviating cud, Jun 15, 2022.

  1. Has anyone experienced their V2 bogging down if you open the throttle very quickly? I’ve noticed that if I twist the throttle quickly to the stop, usually in 3rd or 4th the bike bogs with loads of induction noise then after maybe a second it sort of realises what it should do and lurches forward, accelerating well.
  2. What revs? Do you have any upmap installed?
    The V2 likes to be revved hard. Peak torque is somewhere around 9000rpm.

    As stock, there is a huge dip in torque lower down due to Euro5 regs.

    It is very noticeable-open throttle hard and acceleration will decrease as you power through it. For clarity-you are still accelerating just not as quickly.
    Akra end cans and upmap resolved it.
  3. Yeah, the bike has a t-800 UpMap with full system. It bogs from 7k to 8k then it goes like a train.
  4. Doesn’t sound right tbh. I’m guessing most likely an upmap issue - failing that an air filter issue. The Akra upmap tries to through you off the back at those revs.
    Wait though - could it be traction control or anti wheelie control?
  5. I’ll contact termignoni ref the map as I’ve still got an issue which they are trying to resolve with the ECU looking for the o2 sensors even though they have been deleted. I have a trackday next month which will really test the map.
  6. It used to happen to me on v4 1100 factory Tuono. Fast throttle opening in sixth on motorway was most common. It was a like an emphasised disconnect between throttle and bodies. Assumed it was a fly by wire issue but nothing was ever diagnosed at services and it eventually stopped doing it. It’s not just electronics kicking in is it?
  7. Had something almost similar on a 959 - Might not be relevant anymore if youve replaced the cans though

    Could bog down if dropped a gear and went for it, later it wouldnt rev at all above 5k but turns out the valve was jammed shut. Locking the valve open and removing the servo/fitting a healtech eliminator solved that, and after a track day or two noticed the other minor issue had stopped also - seems my valve had been sticking for a while so was on its way to the terminal issue
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