V4 Panigale V4 Clutch Issue

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by dieonthishill, Jun 5, 2022.

  1. Hey everyone,

    2018 Panigale V4S with 4200 mi here. I am having an issue with my clutch. When the bike gets hot my clutch engagement gets much quicker and the lever is quite a bit easier to pull. Almost to the point of it not disengaging the clutch all the way. At one point, it did get that bad and it stalled every time I shifted to first from neutral at a stop light. I took it in for a full bleed but it seems to still be doing it now.

    Any thoughts?
  2. Common issue. Needs bleeding again. Learn to do it yourself. Carry an 11mm open-ended spanner and some rag under the seat hump on the bike. When it needs doing, remove the cover from the bleed nipple on the clutch master cylinder, apply very light pressure to the lever whilst at the same time opening the bleed nipple a small amount. Continue pulling the lever until you see fluid at the tip of the nipple. At that point close and tighten the nipple. Takes me a couple of minutes to do and I sometimes have to do it whilst out riding. Be careful not to get the fluid onto your paintwork or other components.
    As to the cause, my service engineer said probably crappy master cylinders.
  3. Search on here for previous threads on this issue.
  4. Try using Dot5 silicone fluid in your clutch, it’s expensive, but you only need a bit and it doesn’t go off..
    I use it in my 1299, no more issues with hot clutch…
  5. Sure it's not 5.1?
  6. If you go down this route be sure to flush it all the way through. Mixing silicone and non silicone based is a no no, turns to a jelly like substance over time when mixed
  7. Do Not Use DOT 5 Fluid in Brembo Brake Components

    This is what Brembo has to say:


    All Brembo braking products use natural-rubber base seals, and therefore are incompatible with DOT 5 silicone-based brake fluids. DOT 5 silicone-based fluids react with natural-rubber seals to swell them which can cause severe piston retraction problems.

    There is no cure for problems caused by DOT 5 use other than complete seal replacement. Use only DOT 3 or 4 non-silicone type fluids … in your Brembo components.

    (Yes, we know the cap on the Ducati rectangular master cylinders specifies “DOT 3–5 Fluids”, but please note: silicone-based DOT 5 fluids are not generally in use in Europe, but glycol-based DOT 5.1 fluids are. Hence, the DOT 5 cap designation.)

    For best braking performance, we recommend changing brake fluid twice a year. If the machine is to be stored in a damp environment (over the winter, say) , we recommend installing fresh fluid before and after the storage period. At minimum service levels, glycol brake fluids must be completely changed at intervals not to exceed a period of 18 months.
  8. I got a Oberon clutch slave, am replacing the fluid with a better DOT4, and I also wrapped the line in a heat sheath. Will report back soon when the work is done. Also doing a dry clutch conversion at the same time :)
  9. There is absolutely no reason to insulate or put expensive fluid in the clutch hydraulic system. The clutch fluid will not ever see temperatures anywhere close to brake system boiling temperatures. The slave cylinder mounted to the engine casing gets as hot as it can get. Seriously ...

    Picture 2022-06-20 at 6.59.05 PM.jpg
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  10. Well it's losing pressure, so might as well take some precautionary measures... Tired of dealing with this.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Either the replenishing port in the master cylinder is plugged or the reservoir cap is not venting properly — preventing the master cylinder from refilling properly.

    Picture 2022-06-20 at 7.15.48 PM.jpg
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  12. Agree, no experience on the V4 but the constant hydraulic cavitation problems due to exhaust proximity heat-soak that affect earlier bikes certainly suggests that temperature fluctuation plays every bit as bigger role in the part-failure of clutch line pressure maintenance as it does in the brake lines, certainly on the same bike, and would like to see concrete, specific proof of anything contrary to disprove this.
  13. Like I said before, I’ve used automec Dot5 on my 1098s and now on my 1299s since 2008 and never had an issue whatsoever…
    I renew the whole clutch system each winter when bike away, I’ve never had to bleed clutch after every ride when Dot4 was in..
    It’s not a big job, I was just pissed of of light clutch and hard to get neutral after a hard days blast..
    This doesn’t happen anymore..
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