What's your mental condition?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Um I work with children with ADHD it's an eye opener also Asperger's syndrome and Autism .
    If properly diagnosed ...

    It's a real eye opener !!!!
  2. I have struggled a few times In my life with depression ( early 20s a spate of family incidents and my divorce).

    And a year ago I started panicing about going out..
    I was exhausted ... I've not had a full nights sleep in my own home for 4 years.
    I've had to camp round other people's houses .. Once I went to travel lodge I was so f'd off!!
    4 years of kid next door shouting screaming kicking the wall on my bedroom :(
    Starts at 1am through 6 am .
    Lack of sleep and privacy got me down.
    I go to read a book quietly and with in 5 mins thumps up stairs and starts screaming ...
    I now have to wear silicone plugs and have a fan on loud to drown them out.

    Got me down ..
    Stress as well every month is a struggle .
    I'm over worrying about going out .
    I'm not happy but that's up to me to sort out.
  3. Without experts my nephew would have just been labelled as you say.
    It took 5 years to find he has Aspergers. Its a form of autism which doesn't allow him to read body language , his fine skills of doing up laces and riding a bike frustrated him
    Thankfully he has the support to be able to integrate him into normal society.
    Without my brothers insistence that there was something not right he would probably have gone down the route of troublesome child/man
    It looks like it's genetic and would answer a few problems from when my brother was younger.

    Depression runs in families my great grandmother gased herself in an oven my young uncle found her.
    This cycle has repeated down the line but fortunately not to the point of death
    To deal with depression and to see is not fun. A person who was always strong turned into a crying wreck being sick is awful.

    I suffered from post natal depression but I hid it well the only person suspicious my health visitor had her hands tied as I gave the impression I was fine.
  5. I'm bonkers me! Mad as a box of frogs... Doesn't get me down though!... Just need to find my semi-auto for work tomorrow!!
  6. I know people with mental health issues who try to live a normal life day to day and its hard. Do we all have mental issues of some kind? Maybe. Depression for example is a widely over used term. There is a difference to being 'down' and being 'depressed'. We all get down, especially when you cant see the light at the end of the tunnel, or things continue to go against you, but depression is horrid, utterly, utterly horrid. Do I think I have mental health issues? No I don't, but there are things I do that could lead people to question my mental health, the simplest being riding a bike for example or the ease at which I can loose my temper. You cannot self diagnose yourself. The only people who can see it are friends, family or somebody in the correct medical field
  7. I became severely depressed when I realised Kelly Brook was never going to return my calls. No worries though, Nigella's single now!
  8. That's 'sad' not 'depressed' :wink:
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  9. the americans have a massive bible of mental conditions what all shrinks out there apparently have to use to diagnose.

    i heard about this on the radio and it is very detailed and never ending.
  10. I used to be schizophrenic but we're alright now
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  11. I have spoken to myself and I'm fine.

  12. You didn't mention broken heart. That can make you miserable for years.
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  13. ^ ^ hope this is half jest Glid?..
  14. It would be a lucky person who hasn't had at least some experience of it.
  15. true - still it might spur you on to create some great guitar compositions - didn't do P. Collins any harm :upyeah:
    #35 Chris, Jul 17, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2013
  16. Amalgam fillings in your teeth anyone? Apparently the mercury leeches out into your brain & increases those highs & lows. Even the Dentists now have to decontaminate after they drill them out!
    The saying 'Mad as Hatters' comes from mercury use & I've heard a higher number of society's nutters have bad teeth. Is there a connection here? I reckon there could well be....
  17. Too the point of all human crematoria needing to have filters fitted to reduce Mercury pollutant emission to the atmosphere.
  18. What ! who ! where , its behind me, no its not , is , fuck off , I'm fine , don't come near me or I'll kill myself then you. Whats your problem Pete 1950 you nutter.
  19. You don't fool me Peter ! You big huggy monster !
  20. I suffer from CDO.

    its like OCD, but the letters are in the right order. :tongue:
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