V4 Warped Number Plate

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Baz75, Aug 26, 2022.

  1. In tourism areas, perhaps with foreign license plates they have a more open hand, although not so much, especially if later they know that fines will no longer arrive outside the EU, but on the peninsula, (including some coastal areas) and in the capitals of large provinces, beware.

    Small registrations are authorized on field motorcycles, type Honda CRF 300 or similar, let's go what has been the enduro.

    In any case, not only in Spain, in Paris my brother was fined this summer for noisier gas leaks in his Mercedes 500 SL, for the new "medusa" sound radar, 300 euros were fined, and the obligation to pass the vehicle technical inspection again in less than a month, if they do not want their circulation permit to be withdrawn,

    This is what comes to us, talk to the ecologists, I'm deaf, and your akra won't bother me at all hehehehe
  2. I always use an 8" x 3" letterbox plate. Looks neater. Costs me about £100 every yr or so in vanity tax from plod.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. OK, I wasn't aware of that but what seemed odd was the location of the plate, like this;


    Realise the above is US not Spain but, whilst we in the UK can usually get away with a small(ish) plate with no bother, I can't see plod standing for the under-seat mounting especially once it's been raining for a couple of days and it becomes completely invisible.

    But, as you say in holiday/tourist areas the Police are probably more laid back.
  4. Apparently this deflector is a product ... looks ... bit weird! (Supplied for BMW GS)

    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. normal registration VS offroad in Spain
    Captura de Pantalla 2022-08-31 a las 16.52.14.png

    the position that you have put in your photo is totally illegal in Spain, but hey, if it was a foreign license plate, they will probably let you pass
  6. Can't remember exactly but: was on an off road trip in Spain and the chap running it said something like a guy was seriously injured by the number plate ( large) so on certain size off road capable machines a ridiculously small plate is allowed, something along those lines...
  7. The original 1200 Multi's with a full system used to melt the plates, clearly Ducati overlooked this when designing the system with Termignoni.

    I'd guess it's the same issue, hot gasses from the exhaust, stick an ali plate behind the original plate to act as a heatsink and you may be OK.
  8. number1plates.com make Aluminium numberplates. I had warping issues on both my 1200 Multistrada and a CCM with aftermarket Quill exhaust and brought these to prevent that.
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