Radio At Work

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 98 SPS, Sep 6, 2022.

  1. Ear Plugs or if you really want to show them how displeased you are ear plugs and ear defenders.
  2. I'm surprised you lot can't switch off to it
    You seem to have no problem when it comes to women :D
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  3. who said that :D
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  4. see you can do it :D
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  5. What is this 'Office' and 'colleagues' you mention ?? ....................... Ahh... I love retirement :D:cool:
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  6. Working from home FTW!

    i can’t tell you the sheer deep, satisfying joy I get from not having to interact with much of the uk’s residents.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  7. The grim reality is that for the most part and taking all things into consideration and into the round and collectively speaking by and large and all and all and conjointly, your average regular commonplace colleague has shit music taste.
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  8. Whatever happened to a world where we just accepted we are all different and have different tastes?:D

    Does owning a Ducati just turn people into grumpy old bastards? :scream:
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  9. Could be worse -

    Imagine if they had Lamborghini V4 SF screensavers as well...
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. Or do you only buy a Ducati when you become a grumpy bastard....
  11. There's no way I'd put up with Smooth Cuntry music all day long. I aint no 'Good Ol Boy'.

    Grumpiness comes with age. Older people can afford Ducati's.
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  12. On a positive note, I walked in this morning to the sound of silence - not the Simon & Garfunkel version !
    I do walk past the socket where it is plugged in en-route to my desk, so if it makes an unwelcome return I may knock it off.

    I do like the idea of shitting in the kettle because I detest the smell of coffee anyway and only drink water.

    I am also a grumpy old Fu***r, maybe owning Ducatis for the last 28 years has made me worse than average.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. I'm a big fan of radio 6 but it does go a bit mental around lunch time when the DJ has a penchant for death metal.
    My biggest wind up on site is being able to hear more than one radio on different stations i can't cope with that for long , I'd be easy to torture, milky tea and the We buy any car and jingle I'd sing like a Canary .
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  14. I bought the Darmah in my early 20s.... but there again I have always been a cynical grumpy bastard... and I had a Moto Guzzi before that so was probably already on the road to ruin... :weary_face:
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  15. None so deaf as them that don't want to hear :upyeah:
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  16. Its Back!
    One day of silence now back to ab-normality. Chilling out at the riverbank, just down the road for my 60 minutes.
    Going to have to say something when I go back in.
  17. To be an authentic garage radio, it has to be a cheap nasty item with uber crap speakers, also turned up to 11 and slightly out of tune...:upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  18. Just switched it off when I came back in, no response.
    They don't ask if I want it on, I don't ask if they want it off.
    I may ask nicely in the morning before retiring to the Car Park until a peaceful environment is assured.
    Launching it under the next 44 tonner to go past the window is getting very tempting.

    I do like the @bootsam reporting tactic, that would Piss Off Everyone on the site, as the workshops and warehouse all have their own noise machines.

    If petrol was cheaper I could leave the SPS ticking over outside the window......
  19. Play this on repeat ad finitum - This on full volume.

    Any old scooterists will understand....
    • Funny Funny x 1
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