A Sign Of My Age

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nasher, Aug 15, 2022.

  1. I’m not a social sort of bloke, so the saved contacts I have on my mobile are mainly work contacts and companies, including Snells, MotoRapido, plus of course a couple of people from on here.
    But whilst searching through them for the Heating engineer we use to service the boiler two things were evident as a sign of my advancing years.

    Firstly, I was scrolling through my contacts looking for inspiration as I couldn’t for the life of me remember the name of the heating engineer we’ve used for years now.

    Secondly, and this is a sad truth of getting to a certain point in life, I realised that 7 of my contacts were still on my phone despite having passed away in the last few years. None from Covid I should add.
    They were from both my personal and work life and leave me with a dilemma. Most I’ve deleted without any tugging of heartstrings, but three of them I just can’t bring myself to delete as it feels a bit brutal/final.
    Which possibly means I’m also going soft in the head with age.
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  2. I still have my beautiful friend Yasmin in my
    contacts and her messages
    I still have a couple of my dear friends still in my contacts that I can't delete either
    So they are staying :) and that's ok

    you keep them Nash :heart:
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  3. Nothing wrong with being sentimental about late friends.
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  4. Keep them Nasher

    I’d imagine just seeing their names prompted memories and feeling that may not have surfaced if you’d deleted them.

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  5. I completely understand Nasher’s feelings on this subject. My dear brother passed away in 2007 but his mobile number remains in my contact list.The other day I was looking at it with nostalgia and so wishing that I could call him just one more time.If only.
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  6. My Dad passed away 10 years ago and he's still in my Contacts. Not that I ever needed to look him up - he was still in the house I grew up in.
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  7. Rejoice in visualising them smiling & laughing.
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  8. I've still got friends that have passed on my phone
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  9. I’m 31 and have had very similar experiences matey.
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  10. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

    Me and Yasmin had a conversation many conversations towards her passing I was telling her how I will remember her and when I miss her I will look over our messages and watch the couple of videos she sent me so I can hear her voice and she was amused by this and said to me will you really do that Viv and I said absolutely I will :) she said I love this Viv it makes me happy bless her it was to be one of our last conversations before she spent most of her time sleeping
    When I miss her I don't feel sad I just read our messages and I can hear her :)
    I like to see that our loved ones are our universe of stars and moons and trees and butterflies and sun and nature
    They are right there with us in our hearts and in our memories they never really leave us
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  11. Don't delete them Nasher is all I can say, you will regret it. I think the pain you feel when you are forced to remember them makes you realise that they were in your life and you miss them greatly.
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  12. Keep them. I deleted a few messages from my Dad about a month ago, but luckily they were in my deleted folder, so I’ve recovered them. I’m going to take a screenshot of our FaceTime history, before that gets deleted too.
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  13. I still keep my dads number in my phone who past away 15 years ago and sometimes I go to call the number but still haven’t to this day, maybe one day
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  14. I still have my Mum and Dad and Gizmo (Mike) in my contacts, daft as it is I just cannot remove them :(
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  15. My Dad passed away very unexpectedly just over three years ago. My Mum decided to use his phone from then on, but when she calls me it still registers as Dad on my phone, and I just can't bring myself to change this.
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  16. It's far from daft
    You keep them right there
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  17. awwwww what a great idea
  18. I once heard that there are three types of death :
    Firstly : the actual physical death.
    Secondly : the removal of the body from this earthly existence - the cremation or burial.
    Thirdly : the most final of all, when the person is no longer mentioned or talked about.

    Keeping the phone number in your phone is a way of preventing that final, ultimately irreversible, death. The person lives on in your memories despite no longer being physically here.

    I'm not sure if this sounds a bit soppy, or maybe I'm getting old and daft too...
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  19. Yup.. definitely reaching the age where funerals are replacing weddings and christenings!

    Dont for one second feel daft hanging on to numbers and memories. It’s the last thing we have of loved ones when they pass and nothing strange about it at all.

    I lost a very close friend 5 years ago. He’d been trying to move to the UK for most his life but didn’t meet the criteria. Eventually him and his wife secured jobs over here and left thier world behind starting a new venture here in the UK.. something he’d dreamed off his whole life. Sadly fate played a cruel twist and he died 2 weeks later on his first bike ride ! Turned out he had an undiagnosed heart condition which his wife had picked up on and was due to see the doctors on the Monday, a day after he died of massive heart failure when slowing for a junction. The only consolation was he died here in the Uk and on a motorbike so

    I often stumble across a message, or texts , Fb post etc from him and it hits like a sledgehammer. I couldn’t imagine deleting his details though and hang on to those texts like there’s no tomorrow!!

    Keep the numbers, and the memories that come with them.
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  20. Keep the numbers in your phone.... It's their way of popping in to say 'Hello' now and then :upyeah:
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