Chain slap

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Martin o, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. 2000 miles on my 2013 Multi st checked the chain tension as per manual and with the tool a me thing in the kit all ok but still getting chain slap when everything is cold after everything worms up no problem. I understand that there has to be enough slack in the chain to allow for the different riding modes but its totally alien to me to have this amount of slack in the chain. Am I doing something wrong or is it normal. I'm coming from a blade so is it just a learning curve or what? Any advice welcome.
  2. Had exactly the same on my 2012. Not noticed it on my 2013 yet but only covered a handfull of miles.

    I think it is all about the suspension travel
  3. I haven't heard chain slap on my Multi (new in May) but a friend said he could hear it when we were on our way to Assen. I have to admit that the chain looked slack to me (coming from a Blackbird) so I popped into my friendly dealer who said it was fine. Haven't been bothered about it since.

  4. I know the multi is intolerant of being in the wrong gear at low revs puddling around in traffic so maybe that with the suspension travel is whats causing it. At motorway speeds don't hear a thing. The bike is like nothing I'v ever driven so still learning still loving it.
  5. I've done 32,000 miles on mine now (19,000 on the original chain) and the chain slap has been a constant feature. It is just what the bike does and you soon learn not to labour the motor with any lean on. My Multi is still the best bike in the world and I still get a thrill every time I throw a leg over.
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