False Neutrals?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Timg, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. Hi
    had the Multi GT for a week now & I've had 4 false neutrals one changing from 2 to 3 one from 4 to 5 & two from 5 th to 6 th. Anyone else had this problem & is there a cure ?
    cheers Tim
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  2. Hmmm... False neutrals and Ducati's... Found out about this with my 848 Evo... Be more assertive with your left foot is the advice I give!
  3. Had mine nearly 2 weeks and has a handful of them. Usually 5th to 4th.
    Plenty of detail on the forum about it and mine is due its run in service next week and will be asking them to have a look at it.
  4. 1098's full of em. Aggression is needed, tap them in lazy and gentle at your peril lol
  5. I was just about to start a thread on this.
    Passed box hill at legal speed in Dual carriage way section tried going from 5th to 6th and was met with an 'orrible grind of gears noise and no drive. Changing up or down did not work. I was pressing so hard I was worried I'd brake the DP lever.
    Coasted to a stop. Still unable to select any gear. Turned off engine. Rocked bike back and forth, selecting each gear in turn, twice.
    Started her up and away. No more issues all the way home. Not a nice feeling and potentially a very nasty accident if I needed that drive / power. And Yes Im very selective with my gears. Dainty is not a word used to describe me.
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  6. First of all, adjust the gear lever. If you're missing up changes adjust the gear lever downwards, this'll help make a more positive selection. If it still misses speak to your dealer, you could have either clutch or gearbox issues.
  7. I was having problems from 5 to 6 and adjusted the gear lever and no more issues. Job done.
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  8. I find being positive with the left boot reduces false neutrals. But I still get the occasional one. I used to get them on my ST too so put them down to operator error rather than anything more worrying.
  9. Listen, you guys want to have a go on an old Guzzi; if your toes aren't bleeding by the time you get home you weren't trying hard enough...
  10. Of all the issues people complain about on this forum, the poor gearbox is the only one that really bothers me. A missed gear in the middle of a risky maneouver is a really gut wrenching feeling. Why can't they just sort the gearbox out. :mad:
  11. It's quite hilarious, too, when the dash says you're in gear (first at a junction) when it's really just gone to neutral.
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  12. Or when it says neutral but its still in second and you go to let the clutch out. That's an ass clench moment when there is someone in front of you. :)
  13. not had that in over 5,000 miles
  14. na, my fav is when you select a gear and get good drive only for it to jump out into a false.... had one or two of those!
  15. It also depends on the footwear you have on....If I wear proper Motorcycle boots with a thick hard patch over the gear selector area then no false neutrals. If I wear ordinary street boots then the leather is thinner and if I dont watch out.....false neutrals!
  16. Thanks for the all your replays , I do feel that I change the bike positively in my Daytona motorcycle boots every time . I had two missed gears within close proximity to each other on both times , if that makes any difference. I am in for my first service in a weeks time & will ask the dealership to check the gear selectee out. I am besides this small problem loving the bike & wish I had tried them sooner, the handling , lightness , positive reactions in any situation are really pleasing plus I love the look of the Multistrada, which helps .
    safe riding Tim
  17. pretty sure Daytona boots will not be causing the problem.
    For me, the false neutrals got far less frequent at about 1,000 miles, I think it took me that period of time to adjust my "style". It could also be running in but I don't think so as I recall getting a couple of falses on the test ride and the demo bike had a few thousand on it.
  18. HAVE YOU TRIED MOVING THE GEAR LEVER??? Try it , it works, it really does.
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  19. Yes; I agree the gear level position is critical.
    Please note my exact words.
    Once the false neutral was "selected" between 5-6th it was not possible to select any gear while rolling or while stationary.
    Engine off and rocking back and forth was required.
    Very experienced sports bike rider, ducati man and advanced rider.
    This gearbox can be worse than a box of frogs at times.
    Still love my mutley and wouldn't change to another bike
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