
Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by J biker, Nov 4, 2022.

  1. Just installed this on my GS, with the anti vibration fitting. Not tried on the road yet but cannot foresee any issues. Quality is excellent, very secure and a good degree of adjustment means it should fit any bike.
    The phone case is also significantly slimmer than I expected. Not cheap but then decent gear is not cheap these days!



    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. i have one on my monster 1200, first installed without a vibration damper. my phone got thumped like a bastard and the camera screwed up : unamused:

    got the phone fixed, bought the damper. not had a single issue since, have the same set up on my multi and all good. agree, they are a good bit of kit
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Ive one on my pani. Its good gear.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I have a similar setup on my KTM, but prefer it above the clocks. Have added the vibration mount since this was taken.

  5. Hey j biker I had the same set up on my gs, but if you buy the mirror mount it fits perfectly the bar above the dash. I had it there and ran a cable to the usb plug. I felt it was a better position with the road ahead. Just FYI. I still have the mirror mount and happy to send it to you as the bike has gone.
  6. Agreed.
    But I am going to mount my old Garmin unit on the bar, hence the BMW cradle has been removed. I can use the Garmin to give me a visual of the road ahead or if I want to find fuel, without tampering with routes. I run tomtom app on the phone, bluetoothed to helmet speakers. This also gives an audible alert for ‘dangerous roads’.
    Phone screens can be hard to see in the sun.
    It may seem like over kill, but it works well on big trips.
  7. I’m thinking about getting one. How do you have it mounted on the monster?
  8. Fits just nicely between the left grip and mirror (ignore the shit popped out today while I had the chance o_O and due a clean)
    I would highly recommend you DO NOT use it without the vibration damper, it killed my phone after just 10 miles or so. I’ve done about 2000 with the damper and no issues at all



    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. Thanks for the pics. That’s really useful.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. It’s good kit. But SP Connect is much better.
  11. Good kit but I don’t use it much, I dont really do big trips anymore and generally know where I’m going, use it more on my push bike now as it’s more comfortable than carrying the phone in my pocket
  12. The main benefit for me is that it removes my iPhone from my pocket. Both my 2pc and 1pc has limited pocketry.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. I swear by this kit. I’ve just bought the wireless charging mount as there is still 30% off! Still cost about £50 though
  14. I’ve got wireless charging on my Dragster, cost me a heck of a lot more than £50. ;)
  15. I have two mounts on mine, a fixed Tomtom Rider mount behind the screen and a Quadlock on the handlebars on an AV mount.

    I use both depending what I want to do or where I am going. The phone does not accept pre-planned routes like the TT does, but the TT does not play music like the phone will :) The phone (iPhone X) is more convenient.

    Unfortunately, the audio in my headset will not work with both at the same time, its one or the other. Both have ads and disads ;)
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