D16rr 15,000 Mile Service

Discussion in 'D16 Desmosedici RR' started by Dave, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. Especially high performance ones. Which this is.
  2. I like it. I’m going to quote you if I get pulled over. “Well, officer, I was watching …”
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  3. With a £7500 very Light rebuild, i can't help thinking this's a ripoff for any customer and only the well heeled folk will purchased this beautiful & exotic motorcycle. The question is what's a full rebuild cost.:thinkingface:
  4. Wonder if anyone does DIY? :thinkingface:
  5. It's only a bike. Nothing unusual except the price of the spares which I assume have a rarity tax on them.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. All good workshop manuals available at your local Halfords store, i think not, but yes post#65 hits the nail on the head with the spares at ransom money.
  7. 20k
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. I reckon a FULL rebuild would be un-economic in practice and may actually be impossible now. 15 years after production ceased, spare parts are very thin on the ground and very expensive, and I’d guess that many simply aren’t available from Ducati or would need to be specially built for each order. Maybe there is the odd spare engine kicking around somewhere from a crashed bike but who knows. I have seen a crank come up for sale with an asking price of about £7k but I have no idea what the other engine parts might cost.
    • WTF WTF x 1
  9. Thank you for responding but that's not very encouraging for the pocket and investment wise for that matter with these one off race rep recreations, but i guess if you've unlimited funds then not really a issue, certainly it would be a worry with my tiny wallet shrinking by the minute.
  10. Ducati didnt reckon on people like Dave who actually use them as they were intended. Fair play Dave. I'd shit meself in case I fell off.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  11. I dropped it once in a car park (haven’t we all) at Ironbridge but the closest I came to a proper off was deep in the kitty litter on the last bend at Almeria. Just about shat myself!!
  12. Lol, you seen the dent in the cafe?
  13. Absolutely - took my z1000 to the TT this year (its my everyday commuter which as above) literally gets a couple of miles to work at about 30mph.....after a week at the TT it was snappy as fuck......its not been out for a good run since....itll have to wait til next year now...
  14. You sure the closest wasn’t that field Pete led us to in Germany on that unmade gravel road? Haha
    • Funny Funny x 1
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