Does anyone know the difference with the akrapovic exhausts? As in I am finding different serial numbers for the same exhaust. Spoke to someone at Ducati who wasn’t sure if it was a different upmap key or some exhausts don’t work on euro 5 etc. If I bought an exhaust that has the older part number surely when I give my vin number it would upload the correct map regardless? Anyone know for sure?
You might find the full titanium is different to the steel version, but not sure, it might be worth checking
I have just bought the full titanium system for my 2019 V4r. I’m currently away with work but will check what part number I have when I’m back at the weekend.
For a start the Euro 4 (pre 22) only has two lambdas, the Euro 5(22 on) has 4, one per cylinder. As the Ducati fit Akra tends to keep the lambdas the earlier part number may not fit the later because of not enough lambda ports. ... doesn't mean you couldn't buy an older exhaust and retro fit two more lambda bungs? The system shapes and lengths do appear the same to me. The mapping will also be very different as you get towards the later models, but if you don't buy the exhaust through a official dealer will they upload the Ducati map?
I have bought my full system through a a supplier and he needed my VIN number from the bike to register the exhaust to the bike so that when Moto Rapido for the exhaust they can download the correct software to the bike.
How did this work out? im looking at doing the same but the dealer I phone to check with said they can’t upload the map if they didn’t supply the exhaust. Sounds like nonsense to me and they want the money..?
That’s utter rubbish. Moto Rapido fitted my system and loaded the map buy downloading it from either Akrapovic or Ducati as the map was assigned to the bike when I purchased the system.
I bought the exhaust online and the dealer registered it to my vin. Then I fitted the exhaust myself and took it to a dealer to upload the map. They can’t refuse anyway. They may charge half an hour labour but that’s it. (Sometimes the supplying dealer will give you a “voucher” with the code in it but realistically as soon as they plug the bike in it will show the unassigned but registered map. Similar to a normal software update).
I wouldn’t use the one I used as there were other problems. Use someone who’s less vanilla. Try JHP, cornerspeed, Moto rapido, or anyone who deals with race/track bikes.