Pirelli Sc3

Discussion in 'Tyres' started by Craig Naylor, Sep 11, 2022.

  1. Just having a pair of SC3’s mounted to my rims in preparation for a hopefully dry oulton next week. Anyone ran on these on a V4? Looking for a smidge more performance than the TD’s I’ve been using.
    Out of interest has any tried the super bike size?
  2. Not on a V4 but I run these tyres on my 999R for many years and I like them a lot. Give good feeling and grip and I get about a third more lifetime out if them compares to SC1 or SC2
  3. You will for sure get more performance from SC3s than TDs, but your cost will rise in return.
  4. For sure in the end was very happy with them. next plan is to try them in the super bike size. Will be interesting if you get more life and how it improves ground clearance
    Next year
  5. Is it correct that the SC3 is between the SC1 and SC2 in terms of grip, more life and operate in a wider temperature range?

    From what I have read they seem like a good option but not many people seem to choose the SC3 and SC2 seems a more popular option, often with SC1 on the front.

    I’m talking about the Supercorsa with the minimal tread - not sure if this discussion is about a different tyre…
  6. Apparently Pirelli say they are the ideal trackday tyre, with longer life and a wider operating temperature. Not many people seem to use the SC3 though? Do they warm up quickly? In the 90s I used to use a friend’s tyres that I bought from him after he had done a race on them - intermediate compound with a very sharp V profile on the front. I think they were Dunlop but I can’t remember exactly which model. Anyway, I used them on the road and they never seemed to take any effort to warm up and were ridiculously sticky - after taking them off and putting road tyres back on I was sliding all over the place around bends as I’d got used to the race tyres. I wonder if the Supercorsa SC would be the same in terms of being easy to get to operating temperature or if they are a no-go for general road riding?
  7. SC3 is a race tyre and doesn’t work without preheating. Why would you want to ride it on the road when there are purpose made tyres for that?
    I use SC3 rear on the track for some years already and I like it a lot. Contrary to Pirelli I deem it suitable just for normal (European) weather conditions. If it gets colder in spring or autumn a SC1 or 2 is the safer bet. Ask me why I know.
    Free helicopter ride on the other hand
  8. Helicopters are awesome.

    I only ride on the road for fun and used to use intermediate race compound on the road, so I thought I’d ask the question.

    The Supercorsa SP is going to be far stickier than the road tyres available in the 90s and it’s probably at least as sticky as the intermediate race tyres I used to use. I guess for my first track days I’ll use the SP and if I feel the need then I’ll try the SC. I’ll have warmers available.

    Interesting to hear your feedback on the SC3. Pirelli describe it as the ideal trackday tyre more than once on their SC page. I’d assume it takes less to keep the heat in them than a slick.
  9. I ride just for fun as well as nobody seemed willing to pay for my poor performance

    Honestly everything is stickier than a 90ies tyres, even the most sporty ones back then.
    To me, as a grown up adult adhering to a gentleman like riding style and pace it seems nigh impossible to get a current sport tyre into trouble on the road. For mature bikes like my okd Multistrada 1100 I even contemplate buying an Angel GT next time. On normal road bikes like a 2V Monster I go for Diablo Rosso 4 whereas the Corsa variant is virtually insane. Grip and confidence like on the track. Not even a 4 banger Streetfighter, at least with me on the helm, can ask too much from that tyre
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Track tyres on the road? Utterly pointless and most likely dangerous. They won’t get up to temperature regardless of how fast you think you ride on the road. As above, SC’s are good but only on dry roads. Much better to dial down one grade and get something like a RC2/4 or S22. Warm up quick. Massive grip. Good(ish) in the wet.
    Save track tyres for the track.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Just checking guys. :upyeah:

    The old intermediates, whilst not strictly road legal, were great on the road. I wondered if this a similar scenario but I guess not!
  12. Intermediates and rain tyres are surely a different story, an SC3 you won’t bring or keep at temperature
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  13. Fair point.

    It seems that the V4 SP uses the same compound as the SC3 on the sides. Presumably there’s something in the SP’s construction and/or compound to make it get up to temperature quicker.
    #13 spooky, Jan 28, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2023
  14. Or that combination is just not for the road
  15. @DonMoto71 - I think that’s already been established. For the avoidance of doubt, I’m not debating using SC on the road - that question’s been answered and I ordered Supercorsa V4 SP earlier today.

    I was simply curious about what the actual difference is that makes the SC not suitable for the road and the SP awesome for the road when they are using the same SC3 compound. I seem to recall Pirelli saying the SC was the track tyre you could ride to the track - presumably they just meant it’s road legal.
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