Newbie Looking For My Dads Bike And My Own Duc

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by SeanM25, Apr 28, 2023.

  1. Good Morning

    Thanks El toro for the intro

    So here it goes, I am trying to find my dads old Ducati 999s in black. He brought it back in 2005 from Baines in Northamptonshire in the UK. The spec was a full termignioni system , full ohlins , open dry clutch with carbon cover, marchesini wheels, a remap, carbon hugger, tail tidy probably some other trick bits also a daylight running light on the front.

    It had yellow decals and wheel decals and monoposto rear.

    One thing I can remember was that the rear carbon hugger had a nick in it as a nail exited through it in the fast lane of the m25 and luckily made it into the hard shoulder.

    The bike was on a plate S999NBS on an 03 Plate prior sadly I do not have the prior reg or VIN and in 2017 had approx 17k miles.

    The plate is showing on a Volkswagen car now, the bike was sold to a trader in mid 2009 and then ran again for a few years but dissapears in 2017 if anyone knows of the bike now or has seen it anywhere please let me know if would be greatly appreciated

    I currently have an xsr700 yamaha but debateing an 899 or 950s supersport at presnt

    Thanks all have a good weekend ride safe IMG-20230323-WA0000.jpeg Screenshot_20230427_214025_Facebook.jpg
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  2. Welcome into our mad house Sean :)
    I hope someone can shed a bit of light on this for you
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  3. Welcome
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  4. Hello
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  5. Hello
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  6. Welcome to the forum Sean.:)
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  7. Welcome and good luck with the search
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  8. Welcome and enjoy.
    Good luck finding your dad's old bike.
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  9. Thanks all for the hello just to mention i have searched hundreds probably thousands of social media and images prior to posting here , nothing worse than a noobie posting before searching
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  10. Greetings & goodluck with your search.
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  11. Really hope you can get some more information on your Dad’s bike. Can I ask why you’re so keen to find it?
  12. Hiya

    He had several bikes when I was young a 907 paso, 996, tl1000r and the 999 and the 999 was my favourite to be honest , he is all good and well and has stopped riding now but I honestly just want to find it and cherish it and its the only reg I can remember sadly otherwise I would find them all.

    The 999 does hold a extra fond memory as he would have been on a train on 7/7 at the wrong time but he rode to work that day luckily first ride of the year and I have never been so relieved to hear a bike as a kid when I heard him get home that day on the 999 you could hear it several streets away
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  13. That’s incredible. I so hope you find it :heart:
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. That plate is still showing on the 999S when I search. The last MOT was is 2017 and currently no tax on it
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. IMG_5622.png
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  16. Good luck trying to find it, be amazing if you could!
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