Bks Textiles Vs Hideout Hi-pro

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Freerange_egg, Apr 24, 2023.

  1. I’m curious how the newfangled BKS 100SX textiles compare with Hideout Hi-Pro clobber. Has anyone seen the BKS gear in person?

    I popped into BKS fleetingly while nipping through Exmouth. But I didn’t have the time to check out the suit’s practicalities (pockets, how the sleeves work with gloves, etc.).
  2. I did and had a long chat with Alison as Brian was literally out the door and off on his hols.
  3. And ? You can’t just leave it hanging there :D Andy
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  4. The only issue I had with the textile suit was the waterproof element. It’s not GoreTex and therefore you don’t get the “life time” waterproof guarantee. As Alison explained to me they are a small company and can’t afford the testing regimes and certification needed to put a “life time” warranty on it. So if there was an issue with it leaking they would speak to you on a one to one basis. That was the gist of my chat with her. All other bits like vent size/position and pockets etc are custom options.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. I only have experience with Hideout, and so do dozens of Eamg group members too. No one has ever mentioned any quality issues regarding water ingress, my jacket has never leaked even in biblical all day rain.

    simple on pockets, one Napoleon and two outer.
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  6. I'm getting some kit make up by Hideout now and they are pretty good about adding custom pockets if needed. But I know you're not really supposed to have them as its just another object waiting to break a rib etc :)
  7. I did like the design of the BKS textiles. But after 4 years of riding and then an arm leaks; for example, it’s an unknown as to what would happen if you wanted to return it.
    My Sidi Goretex adv boots failed(leaked)after 4 years of use. I got a new pair of boots.
  8. Strongly recommend you take a ride up to Hideout and when you're in the shop/showroom remember that the other side of the wall there's a small team of very experienced and capable ladies making very high quality motorcycle clothing. When I bought my kevlar jeans there I just turned up out of the blue tried them on and they were too long so they simply took them out the back and shortened them there and then, 15mins later and they were all done perfectly at no charge. PROPER SERVICE!
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  9. I agree with you, and Hideout made my leathers. I reckon Hideout and BKS are second to none, so I’m curious how their textiles compare.

    The two companies use different materials to produce textiles that surpass the highest protection standard (EN 13595 Level 2).
  10. No direct experience but Br in law had a pair of Hi-Pro trousers made to measure (he's mahoosive plus) a couple of years back and he canmot fault trousers or service in any way at all.
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  11. I have also spoken at length with Kate at Hideout. But on a separate issue to do with my m2m BKS gear and possible alterations. I need to call in again to get a waist zip put on my Knox mesh jacket. :upyeah: Kate was very helpful with my questions so will get down there sharpish.
  12. Kate really is the best in the business, her knowledge of design and how protective clothing is made is second to none which is probably why they supply so many racers and official bodies like various police forces.
    You've probably guessed I'm a massive admirer of their work and products, not without reason.
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  13. Have you seen this Bennetts video yet?

    Numerous clothing manufacturers tried to get BSI to introduce better protection standards. The relevant BSI committee needed unanimous agreement, and shamefully, Knox vetoed better protection standards.

    However, Bennetts has introduced its own Gold, Platinum and Diamond clothing protection levels – including ratings for boots and gloves. Shame on Knox and BSI, but well done Bennetts!

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  14. My mates just had a Sidi 1-piece made into 2.

    He said it wasn't cheap but is very, very pleased with them.

    IMO he should have sold the onesie and got a new 2-piece, but his choice.
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  15. Great timing....been thinking I must replace my current textile gear for a while.
    The made to measure options too rich for me :( .....anyone comment on the fit of the off-the-shelf Hideout kit?
  16. Thank the lord it fitted my awkward body shape perfectly off the shelf.
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  17. @AndyW Hideout’s off-the-shelf Hi-Pro gear is a great choice; I nearly bought some myself. Can you pop by their shop as fit is personal? Alternatively, you could phone or email Hideout for advice on their off-the-shelf fit and sizing.
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  18. You are best advised to give them a ring before popping in now.
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  19. :upyeah:

    Something like a 4 hour ride each way to visit them :(
    I do intend to email them, with a few of my measurements, for guidance but thought a ost here might be worthwhile.
  20. They are preferring to work by appointment to enable the best possible service. I would imagine you wont be disappointed, they have various style’s that cater for different shapes, 4 hrs each way is a day well spent.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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