I have enjoyed my first NW200, but from an outsiders perspective the racing organisers were highly disorganised and need to up their game. The FHO debacle and the delay in announcing the winner of the final race were both examples of poor communications and questionable decision making. However the location is fantastic, the locals both side of the border have been extremely welcoming and I highly recommend you come and try the rides and hospitality.
Glad you had a good time but it doesmt fill you with confidence for the events future when you hear that, especially with the struggles they had to insure the event this year.
I’ve enjoyed my first NW200. However it’s certainly evident it’s not a slick running event. The item below makes things even stranger !
Can understand confusion about wheels with Superstock, but surely the Superbike could have run with any aftermarket forged wheels which I’m sure could have been obtained . Seems to me FHO threw teir toys out of the pram.
Another f*ck up from the shambolic organisers: Lee Johnston on “slow road to recovery”; Crash left him in critical condition | Road Racing | News
Watching the Saturday coverage on Iplayer gave the impression the organisers were making it up as they went and weren't sure how to respond to each new issue as it occurred much as if it was the 1st time they had run it. It ruined the last Superbike race , though they could have topped that /I mean fekked it up more if they had counted back one full lap for the final standings, though that would have probably meant it really needed a re-start given the shortness of the distance/laps covered something they seemed at pains to avoid. It generally came across as a bit of a piss poor planning equalled piss poor performance SNAFU.
just found out Lee Johnston is in a bad way, broken ribs, punctured lung i thought it was just a broken leg, that he was ok and pissed at missing the TT, sounds like he's lucky to be alive
Does make you wonder what's going on there. The organisers said he was taken to hospital, non critical condition. Turns out he needed a blood transfusion trackside, critical when he got to hospital, 3 days on a ventilator. Broken femur, foot, face, and ribs, punctured lung
https://www.visordown.com/news/racing/road-racing/statement-published-condition-lee-johnston Get well soon Lee. That’s certainly a long injury list that will take time to recover from. In light of other decisions and statements made during the NW , I’m afraid it seems such a shame that it’s very much an amateur affair.
^ yes. Get well soon Lee. Sounds like a very long road to recovery. At least little Jessie will keep him smiling.
Holy thread resurrection etc.... https://www.crash.net/rr/news/10611...t-200-return-two-years-superstock-controversy