Watching SSN this morning and they were talking about the LIV/PGA/DP Golf thing and how Saudi sports washing had already taken over a number of other sports and cited Moto GP as one of them!!! As far as I can find the only investment they’ve made so far is the new track theyre building for next season and some mooted investment in VR46 team that as far as i can find never materialised. Does anyone know of anything else and whether the investment in VR46 ever happened? Im 99.9999% sure Mooney arent Saudi backed!!
MotoGP has signed an agreement to race in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi's will be paying Dorna to do this, the grandstands will be empty. This is just an attempt by the Saudi's to improve their tarnished reputation and direct attention away from all their vices. This is sportswashing so SSN are correct.