Evening all, Whilst taking the exhaust system apart and replacing certain fixings I've come across another seized item......to be expected. The figure of 8 lower exhaust mount that houses the rubber bush is seized to the screw that goes into the rear of the c/cases which I could remove together if..... I can take out the other screw that holds the master cylinder mount onto the c/cases. See photos below. Two questions: 1) Any tips how to un seize the aluminium figure of 8 mount from the screw in situ? (First photo) Is the screw tapered?? If the above is not possible then... 2) Can I remove the master cylinder mount screw, 2nd photo (if not seized) without crank oil leaking? Alternatively, I guess it doesn't need to be un-seized but knowing it is, does mess with my brain! Cheers RR
You definitely can remove the M/cylinder without spilling any oil or brake fluid. As far as the seized screw is concerned, if the Allen hole is rounded and no longer usable, once you have better access, I’ve had good results in the past using a metal saw to gently cut a deep enough line across the middle of the head and then using a chisel and hammer to punch it slowly anti clock wise. As soon as it frees up, you finish undoing it with a flat screwdriver.
Thanks for your reply - the screw in photo 1 is not seized in the cases but it is seized to the aluminium mount well and truely. If I can remove the M/Cylinder bracket (screw in photo 2) with M/Cylinder, by removing the screw circled, then I can unscrew the screw in photo 1 with the seized bracket together and then try and un-seize it off the bike. Will removing the screw in photo 2 allow oil to leak? Cheers RR
Thanks to all.....its now freed off - it was well and truely seized in position - but happy knowing its free, a great forum.