Poor Deluded fool

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Mr C, Aug 14, 2013.

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  1. Dream on!!!! not the first by any means. Probably worse than the other we saw on here, allegedly a total restoration but so unoriginal, but at least less the other one had a lower asking price.
  2. strange colour....
  3. Was just thinking that....
  4. looks like a potential 848 owner with all that gold...........:wink:
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  5. Unless he's got a fooked camera, that can't be the original colour can it?... He's also got the price wrong by about £3500 in my opinion...
  6. Arghhhhhh, my eyes.......
  7. Shit brown frame and wheels. :biggrin:
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  8. £3.5k is about right. For that money (7.5k) I'd want a 100% original and mint Bip with very low miles and FDSH. Not a repainted bike in the wrong colour scheme, no matter how well painted it may or may not be. Theres too many questions about it. No1 being, why did he repaint it? Sorry mate, just my opinion as a punter. If you get that money i'm gonna put mine up for sale.
  9. Is it a dessert? Looks like strawberries and caramel to me.

    Maybe just a dog's breakfast...
  10. Is the deluded fool the guy who's selling it.....or the guy who buys it? ;-)
  11. Canadians will love it :wink:
  12. Bless him, I bet he's worked really hard getting that colour just right, its not easy matching diarrhoea brown. ;)
  13. He could stick some SE badges on it....that would get them queuing up to buy it.....it worked for Ducati! ;-)
  14. Bling bling....
  15. Well, it takes alsorts. Some people feel they need to get their money back after spending so much on it. Surely he must be mad to think any respectable Ducati owner will pay that for it.
  16. Looks a bit pink to me
  17. I havent a hope in hell getting all the money ive spent on mine back. And I've not really blung it up that much.
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