1198s to 1199s anyone done it.

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by NICK, May 20, 2012.

  1. Hi all
    Just contemplating a purchase of a 1199s I have been to the shop twice and looked at every model of the 1199 base model to me just not got the bling. 1198s looks good. Tri-colour looks good but price tag is just but much.

    I am in a dilema. Reading peoples reports the 1199 lacks grunt and has to be revved. I like the 1198s however the Panigale looks sweet however I dont want to be disappointed in regards to the power as my 1198s make 168bhp at rear wheel and smacks you in the chin at every oppurtunity and I like the way it has to be wrestled a bit. I am reading the 1199 is more refined with that edge took away from it.

    So what I am asking has anyone made the change from 1198s to 1199s as there are alot of 1098 users moved up and of coarse they were approx 10 bhp down any way. If any one can ease my concerns that would be great.

    I will be test riding one next Saturday hopefully.:upyeah:
  2. 1098 might have been down on power to the 1198, but it's motor felt more brutal in it's delivery. Jump from an 1198 to 1199 must be awful, it's easy to ride, but not a special event.
  3. Not sure if it would be awful but what I am thinking to be laying down £10,000 + the 1198s you gotta be getting summit that you is thinking this was worth it and it gotta put a grin on your face. Looks alone I am not sure if it will satisfy the price. Also I read somewhere it like a 848 up till 4,000 rpm. Just after some opinions in regards what people have come from and how it compares.
  4. I don't like buying first generation bikes. You will be the guinea pig for their R&D, and you know the manufacturer will release an improved version shortly after. Panigale still remains unproven.

    I'm waiting till the 1199R before even considering, and even then I'm uncertain if it will ever be as special as the 1098R.
  5. I rode one a couple weeks ago. absolutely no grunt. And this was jumping off an R6 track bike.

    I think to compare it to an 848 is putting it kindly at that.

    Great light agile bike. but i like ducati vtwins for their direct feel between the throttle and the back wheel.

    I was extremely disappointed with it. I think they will make good track bikes as you can stay in the higher rev range longer though and with not much power down low, less chance of highside. But then again, thats how i ride inline 4s. I don't have to fork out 20k for that.

    If you want the pose factor, i guess the 1199 would satisfy this requirement, but in terms of low end power, be prepared to be disappointed.

    I had funds ready for a 1199s. Its still in my bank.
  6. The specs I have read in comparison are

    1198s Standard
    0-60: 3.0 seconds
    1/4-mile: 10.7@138 mph
    100-150 mph: 6.4 seconds
    0-150: 12.2 seconds

    Panigale 1199s
    0-60: 3.32 seconds
    1/4-mile: [email protected] mph

    Not got the other figures in comparasin but these 2 figures show that there definatly flaws in the low end power. Just wonder why they would create a bike that has just shifted all the power to come in above 8 grand. I may be keeping the 1198s as I am loosing money on trade in plus with full 70mm and Powercommander along with the ECU DP upgrade possible even better figures.
  7. All I would say is ride one. You can make your own mind out then. But all I would say make sure it's run in so you can have fun.

    I'm taking demo out Thursday which has full system makes better low end torque but I love mine. I no doubt am faster on this bike then any other I have ridden.

    Ducati have taken years developing this bike the most investment ever on on single bike. I have no doubt they have it right but we all like different things.

    I thought the best r1 was the first and I had them all. But we all move on etc.

    Good luck what ever you choose as long as its red and from Bol!!!
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  8. My money would be ina 1098r.
  9. Can't argue with that 1199s dewy. The next generations were much more refined but definitely lost the edginess of the first generation. I'm lucky that I have a 1098R and 1198S and the Panigale Tricolore is on order. It's a big move away from what we're used to from Ducati and I just hope it won't be considered a modern day version of the 999. It's taken years for folk to realise what a great bike that was, even though it still divides opinion.
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